Chapter 3 - Finding Out

Start from the beginning

"So technically it was three kisses?" Selena said.

I shook my head.

"Four?" Selena said with her eyes wide.

I shook my head again.

"How many then?"

"Do kisses count as kids like a quick peck on the lips cause Christmas break in the third grade we had our first kiss under the mistletoe at the mall seeing Santa Claus then until middle school hit we stop doing kissing until that time at the Phillies game and at the nurse's office after Bartleby beat him him up then freshman year."

"AND YOU NEVER TOLD US!" Benicio said with a whisper yell tone so the others won't hear our conversation. 

"Nurse's office? You two are scandalous." Monique said to me. 

"Dang, Holden had his first kiss at five." Benny said.

"Elizabeth, friends shouldn't kiss each other on the mouth." Thuy said to me.

"But the kisses were sweet like him. The way Holden kisses me is like I'm running through the clouds while Stevie Wonder's 'As' plays in the background." I said thinking about him even more.

"Aww." Thuy said holding her hand to her chest.

"She definitely thought of this fantasy before. Really girl, Stevie Wonder?" Monique said laughing.

"Yes because Stevie Wonder is an amazing singer." I said to her.

"You people are something else. Wouldn't it be easier if you both come out and say you like each other? Look at Carlos and I told each other how we felt about each other and look at us now, dating for four years." Selena said in a gleeful tone.

Benicio slide his body towards he with his head not moving at all. "Didn't you and Carlos broke up for a few weeks freshman year?"

Selena looked at Benicio dead in his face. "We were on a break!"

"Yeah a 'break'." the four of us said mocking Selena.

"WE WERE!" She said to us. 

"Yeah and... Kirsten Dunst over here and... Damson Idris over there were secretly dating at the same time." Monique said.

"Why am I Kirsten Dunst?"

"Because you look like here a bit." Monique said to me.

"Who's Damson Idris?" Thuy said.

"A British black man who's playing an American on FX and both him and Holden look somewhat alike and they're both dark as the night." Monique said to Thuy. 

"Anyway. Well, when do you think I should tell hi-." I stopped myself when they all walked out from the theater room and we just hung out and I keep giving Holden looks and he gives them back.

"Hey, can I ask you boys something?" Thuy said to them. "Was Selena and Carlos on a break or broken up?"

"Broken up." They all said except for Carlos.

"Ustedes hijos de puta!" (You motherfuckers!), Carlos said in frustration. "We were on a break!"

"That's what I said as well!" Selena said.

"All because you didn't know who to say the three most special words in the world to your partner, I love you." Monique said to him.

"Applehead is right, Carlos." Benicio said as Monique gave him the death stare while Denzel and Marlon laughed. "15 year old Carlos couldn't say that back because of fear."

"Because this is my first love," Carlos said wrapping his arms around Selena and kissing the top of her head. "I didn't know what to do or say because I didn't want to mess up a friendship and a relationship at the same time, and I was 15! 15 year old's don't know what real love is."

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