Chapter 2: Food fight

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It's time for the food fight to happen. Though this time it is not gonna be like the original, infact i am gonna add more participants in it, to make it more exciting.

want to apologize for the lack of updates for this series. It's been over ten months now since the last chapter was added for this volume. Life has been screwing me up and i didn't had the time to make a chapter for this fic.

But anyways, enjoy this new chapter


This afternoon has been a swell one for Beacon's fourth specialist; Erich "Jager" Hartmann. It's now at the end of the weekdays, classes are already over, and all his work is finished. All he now has to do is just do whatever he wants. So he is now currently walking to the mess hall, which where the first years and a few of the second years were eating their lunch at.

It had been a while, two or three possibly - or even a month, after he had told the truth to his friends, and also CRDL. When all those days have passed, he felt...good, great even. Maybe because he won't have to hide it anymore to his friends for the rest of his life. It would be such a burden to take.

Though it leaves to those 16 people to keep it a secret from the rest of the school, but Hartmann trusted them, and that counts with the boys of CRDL. He and most of the team do have some good grounds to themselves. It's only their leader he is sceptical about.

All and all, he knew they'll do their task well, and for a good cause.

Hartmann pass by several second-year students when he was walking to the cafeteria building. Some of them greeted him, in which he greeted back. After that he made it to the doors. He could hear that the interior of the building was filled with voices and chattering, implying that it would be very crowded when he gets in there.

When he opened the doors, he saw all the first-year students that were sitting on their lunch desks; eating, chatting, or messing around. Some of them saw the German and they bow at him with respect.

He let out a slight chuckle, remembering that he is the fourth specialist of Beacon, so he acted as a higher-up to the huntsmen. Speaking of Specialist, he really needs to act like one, to stand out than the rest of the huntsmen.

He does have all of those Earth weapons, which are pretty strong against anyone even with Aura on. But he needs to work on his CQC skills more. Enough of that though, he knows he shouldn't pressure himself to be strong. Just enjoy life.

When he was about to get his food, he pass by team CRDL. He let out a hidden smirk before walking to the team leader, Cardin.

Cardin and his team were just chit-chatting like any other people usually do together. At first it was about their studies and other school stuff. Then Russel brought up about picking on the Faunus, which Cardin had did before.

Cardin let out a frown of that topic. He still had a slight grudge against them, just like the rest of his family bloodline in their history. Immediately he told them to change the topic to not further discuss that. Then he heard someone calling out to them.

"I am surprised to see you all here." Cardin exhaled, knowing who that was from that voice. He turned his head away towards Hartmann, standing beside him with a smile.

"What do you want?" Cardin asked, visibly annoyed.

Hartmann shrugged. "Nothing, really. Just checking if you guys did not snitch on me."

Cardin then stated. "Hey, i told you that i'm a man of my word and i will not gonna expose your secrets to the rest of the school." He already knew what the consequences would be if he had done it. Two words: Professor Goodwitch.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2022 ⏰

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