Chapter 5.

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As I had thought yesterday, right now I was staring at King Lucien sitting a few feet away with as always a file in his hand. There were occasions when the file would be replaced by a newspaper or a book and sometimes even a magazine but most of the time it would be any file or document or anything related to his work. Well, of course being powerful didn't give them the allowance to skip all of their duties as Kings in fact the only thing it had done was to increase it.

But I had to admit, he looked so good even though all of his attention was on the task, he was writing down something or maybe something related to the blood collections. His hair lightly fell on his face and his eyes remained fixated on the paper, the sleeves of his white shirt were folded up to the middle of his hand whilst he bobbed his left leg up and down covered in the black ripped jeans.

Damn it! Vampire males were a thousand percent more attractive than humans.

Sighing I rested my head against the wall, my arms bent forward to hug my knees. I was watching him for probably close to half an hour and now painting him was not going to be big of a deal. But surprisingly none of the other two Kings were here.

Maybe they were out for checking the city.

"You can read a book or two if you want to, it might keep you entertained, "  King Lucien who hadn't spoken a word till the past hour decided to speak. I was taken aback by his small gesture, I wasn't expecting him to think about me.

"No, it's okay," I spoke, "I'm fine,"

I saw him shrug before he returned his focus back to his prior task, and unexpectedly his focus lasted only a few minutes before he heaved out a sigh and leaned onto the chair. His hand holding the own released its hold on it and moved to rub behind his neck.

He looked....stressed.

I quietly observed as he pushed his chair till it hit the wall and moved his long legs to rest on the desk, his eyes closed and a low huff slipped past his lips. He looked in unease.

"Stressed?" the word left my mouth without even giving me a chance to stop it.

Well, of course, I wasn't expecting to have a casual conversation with a Vampire who supposedly held beyond power over me and many more powerful creatures around the world. But before I could fully regret my decision his reply came.

"Yeah, these royal duties can be pretty tiring sometimes," He sighed, there was a crease between his eyebrows as he spoke, his eyes were closed and he uncomfortably shifted in his seat.

I ignored the mere surprise that glimmered due to his response.

"I can help you relax...if you want,"

This time his eyes fluttered open, soon as his eyes met mine I found the familiar chilling feeling traveling down my body but leaving warmth all over.

I thanked God at this moment that I had learned the art of keeping my thoughts low enough to escape their superhearing ability.

He cocked an eyebrow at me, "You mean a massage?" he'd gotten the message correct.

"Yeah I mean if you're okay with it," I said.

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