Dear Diary,

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I know that's a cleché saying (or writing for that matter) Dear Diary but I find it to be nessesary considering that's all you are, a blank notebook with a fancy cover.
Anyway I have never had a diary so I have no idea what to write about. Right now I could really go for a cheeseburger.
I guess now is the part where I tell you about my life, I am 15 I live in Magnolia Ohio and I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters. My best friend just moved away to another state so I miss her like crazy. I know the feeling will eventually go away. I have experienced it before. My life has never been steady people are always leaving, showing up again for a little while and leaving again. I really should see it coming but I don't.
I have never been shy when it comes to people and I think that's art of the problem I have never really experenced stability so I get attached to soon and that scares people away. After I graduate I can't wait to leave this town and start over


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