I found myself silently praying for the universe to make me disappear for the nth time. I looked down at my shoes, while my neck and ears turned flushed red. "Oh come on don't be so embarrassed, you're just hungry," Jake laughed as he shrugged it off and pulled me to a nearby café.

Jake's POV 🐶  📸

"Hello, what can I get you both?" the young waiter asked the two of us.....well mostly Sunghoon. "Uh, I'll get the glazed sugar doughnuts as well as a cup of hot chocolate please," I replied as I looked at the menu.

The man didn't even spare me a glance as he took down my order and turned back to Sunghoon, sending him a flirty smile. Why did I have to sit through this?

"And you sir?" he asked, intentionally moving closer to him. He cunningly brushed his fingers against Sunghoon's causing him to clear his throat, the tension evident in his tone. "I'll have the same thing he got," he stated looking at me. I sent him a reassuring smile which he reciprocated.

Bad move. The waiter didn't like that. He cleared his throat and walked off pettily. "All good?" I asked, watching the waiter smirk at Sunghoon from the counter, purposely trying to show off his muscles. "Uh yeah....sorry you had to sit through that," he muttered as he looked down at his hands.

"Hey, I should be the one asking you if you feel uncomfortable. Do you want me to say something?" I asked, my tone laced with concern. He darted up quickly and shook his head. "No no, it's okay really," he persisted.

I didn't have time to answer, as the waiter came back with our orders. "Here are your doughnuts and hot chocolate, is there anything else you need sir?" the guy questioned, looking at Sunghoon with a disgusting smirk plastered on his face while he touched his shoulder.

I saw Sunghoon flinch at the touch and his discomfort was evident. I couldn't bear to just sit by and act like it was okay, and that's what resulted in me blurting out the words...

"I think my boyfriend and I are good, thank you".

I didn't have the guts to look at Sunghoon, but I heard the muffled sounds of someone choking and a gasp. I kept my stare on the waiter who immediately took six steps back before scowling at me and leaving. I sighed as I turned to face Sunghoon.

Oh fuck. Now I regret everything.

His eyes were wide in surprise, his lips were slightly burned due to the hot chocolate and his mouth was sealed shut. What the FUCK is wrong with you Sim Jake? You could have done ANYTHING, literally ANYTHING and you do that.

I felt my stomach do a backflip and I was mentally praying for the fates of the universe to take mercy on me. In an attempt to make things better, I hastily said "He wasn't leaving you alone and you were very uncomfortable so I just thought maybe that would work I'm so sorry if I overstepped-" and that's when he started laughing.

I looked at him, surprised and confused. He regained his breath before saying, "You look so guilty for no reason," he gave me an amused grin. I rubbed my hands together nervously "Well yeah, of course, I said I was your boyfriend just like that, that's a huge-" he cut off my rambling by waving his arms and letting out more fits of laughter.

"I mean it isn't the first thing I thought you would do, but I don't mind at all, I actually find it quite funny," he whispered, secretly pointing his head towards the waiter who was practically fuming.

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