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Hiccup POV
Hello. My names prince hiccup dunbroch. And well my names says it all, I'm a prince. With three younger sisters. Who are wee little devils more like.

My parents, Queen Elinor and King Fergus. Want me to be the best prince I could be. I didn't want to say anything, but I don't think I can be the best prince. There is so much responsibility. And my night changed.

I just came back from riding angus. My horse. I walk in the kitchen and all the maids greet me. "Hello Prince hiccup." one of them says. I nod and grab a few things. *cough* snacks. I walk into the dinning room and hear my dad talking about how he lost his leg. To the demon bear mordu.

"With one dead eye,"he said," I threw my sword and-!" He couldn't finish because I finished for him! "And chomp, dads leg was clean off. Down the monsters throat it went." I said. "ahh, that's my favorite part!" My dad whined.

I laughed. Then, Maudie came in and gave my mom three letters. Wonder what those are for? I say in my head. While she is reading the letters, I try sneeking snacks to my sisters. "Psst!" I whisper. They look at me. I point to the snacks and put them under the table.

They go under. I chuckle. " Fergus.." my mom said. "They all accepted." she said. I looked at both of them confused. "Who accepted what mom?" I say. "Girls, you are excused." she said. They all jump off there chairs and run. Until holly fell and all the snacks came out of her outfit.

"What did I do now?" I say. "Your father has something to DISCUSS with you!" Mom said. I looked at my dad. "Fergus." she said. "Umm.. Hiccup.." he said. I waited for ten minutes to let him speak but nothing came out. "The queens set up there daughters for your marriage!" I looked shocked. "The queens have accepted!!" She said. "DAD!!" I yelled.

"What... I...she... Elinor!" He stuttered. "honestly Hiccup, I don't know why your having a fuss over this." she said. This time I was really angry. "I suppose a Prince just does what he's told!" I screamed. "A Prince does not raise his voice!" She said angrily.

" Hiccup this is what you've been preparing for your whole life!" She said. "No, it's what you've been preparing me for my whole life!" I said, " I won't go through with this.. you can't make me!" I screamed when I got up. " Hiccup!" My mom yelled.

I didn't hear her. I was already out of the castle riding angus. Into the forest.
Thank you guys!! I don't know why this one is longer than Merida's. Lol😂😂 I'm weird😜😜
Anyway I should be updating soon😋👌

Thnx!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!😍😍😍😘😘😘❤️💗

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