Chapter 12 (Pt.2): Slumber party

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"Ah finally two relationships in this group!" Tamaki exclaimed as he clinged onto Haruhi.

"I hate to break it to you for the millionth time but we're not a couple," Haruhi sighed shoving him off of her.

"Woah so y/n and the twins are dating?" Honey asks with wide eyes.

"Yeah," Mori responds.

"Wait! How come I was never told about this?!" Tamaki complains.

"Well it's not really any of your business," the twins shrug.

Tamaki gasped.

"What do you mean it's not my business?! We're a family! You're not supposed to keep secrets!" Tamaki lectured.

*Ding dong*

"The pizza!" The twins rush towards the door.

"Ooh commoner's food!" Tamaki perked up.

You and Haruhi sighed.

The twins came back with pizza and you all dug in.

Hikaru watched as Tamaki fed Haruhi a slice.

"Here y/n, open wide," Hikaru held a piece of pizza in your face.

You were very confused but just decided to take a bite off of the pizza.

"Hey! That's not fair I was gonna do that!" Karou shouted at his brother.

"Were not!"

"Were so!"

The boys argued for a little while as you took the opportunity to just take the pizza from their hands and eat it on your own.

~Time Skip~

"So now what?" You questioned.

The twins looked at each other as if they were transferring thoughts and ideas.

"Horror movie!" Hikaru and Karou sang out.

Everyone else agreed as well. You figured the twins probably wanted to scare you but little did they know, you were completely unfazed.

Honey was curled up in Mori's lap while everyone else was just watching intently. Except for Kyoya, he kept asking questions and taking notes.

You watched everyone's eyes widen and heard a few gasps and one little scream from Honey as a girls head was chopped off in the movie.

You watched as the blood splattered everywhere and you just couldn't contain yourself.

You doubled over laughing.

"Y-y/n you're not scared?" Karou stuttered clearly shocked.

You just continued to cackle like an evil witch.

By the time you had finally caught your breath you looked up to see Homey crying in Mori's shirt, Tamaki in Haruhi's arms like a baby, and the twins holding onto each other for dear life.

"Come on guys it's not even scary," you giggled.

"N-no but you are!" Hikaru exclaimed.

"Oh please, get a hold of yourselves," you rolled your eyes.

"You know, people aren't all that attracted to a man who succumbs to fear," you cockily smile.

At that Tamaki jumped out of Haruhi's arms, Honey wiped his tears and put on a brave face, and the twins tried to act cool.

"Anyways guys we should probably get ready for bed," you suggest.

Soon all the guys start to strip off their clothes while you and Haruhi smack your hands over your eyes.

Summer in Japan {Hikaru and Karou x reader fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now