Imagine Miscarriage part 1

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*Trigger warning late term Miscarriage

*Set in the future but keeping with the shows timeline Monica is dead in this story, they had their second child a girl named Evelyn Lee Dutton and Monica died from complications in labour. Evelyn is now 3, and Tate is 14.

We didn't fall in love easy it wasn't your classic love story for him to fall for his nanny, but he did. I was charged with keeping his kids happy, healthy and safe, a job I now am failing to do. We feel quick like a make shift family placed together with tragedy. We where married on the ranch 6 months after I was hired. It was almost as if it was written in the stars although we both  knew better it was written by John Dutton the day her hired me. 2.5 years later here I am laying in a bed while his child, our child is dying inside me.

Kayce POV
I pulled up a chair next to the bed so I could hold her hand but she pulled away, the doctors have been in and out all evening trying to keep her calm and her pain levels low. I just pray she falls asleep but I doubt that will happen she is in about as much pain as Monica giving birth to the kids.

I should have known something was up sooner , she had no signs though. When I woke  in the middle of the night and found her missing from the bed, I got up to go see if she was having a snack in the kitchen. Once that lamp turned on I knew better, I followed the trail of blood into the master suite. She was laying on the floor unconscious with blood everywhere. I started yelling for help. The first people to make it to the room where Tate and Dad, with Rip and Beth following suit. I tried to to keep Tate from seeing to much and had Rip usher him out but as I am sure Tate could probably already tell the baby had died and quite possibly Y/N could. We left the kids with Rip and Beth and I scooped her up and put her in dads truck and held her until we arrived at the hospital, dad must be still in the waiting room. They checked her over and tried to get me to leave the room, I refused. No way in hell I would watch another wife die from having my child inside her.

Once they finished the examination and had y/n conscious a Doctor approached the bed "I am Dr. Larsen, head of Obstetrics and Gynaecology here. I have gone over your charts, with the pelvic ultrasound coupled with the blood loss and tests, I am sorry to tell you but your baby has died" . Upon hearing what she had said Y/N started crying quiet tears and froze, the doctor continued to say "the fetus," to which Y/N said "The baby" ready to grab the poor doctors throat. "As I was saying the baby has died, we now need to discuss your options" "what options" I said. "Sir I am sorry but your wife's body hasn't passed the baby yet, we have two options one we do a procedure called a DNC which we give you some general Anastasia and we remove the baby. Or you get an induction and have a natural labour and deliver the baby, this would give you an opportunity to hold your child if you wish." "Once you know what you would like to do please let the nurse know, I have found in my 20 years that holding the baby helps with the grieving process" I thanked her and she exited leaving us alone with an unthinkable decision.  Y/N spoke "I wanna hold my baby, I know holding John isn't something you ever regret so I want to hold our baby". To which I responded "okay". I walked out and got the nurse.

John POV
I seen Kayce coming out of Y/N room by this time Beth had arrived. After speaking with the nurse he walked over and told me " Y/N is fine however Jacob died" Beth grabbed him and I joined in on the hug. He continued to tell us that the plan is for her to give birth to the baby, and they will be able to hold him, take pictures in order to grieve and asked that I make arrangements with the funeral home that looked after Lee. He asked that we call Rip and get the other two brought to the hospital, she needed to see the kids.

It felt wrong to be having contractions, I was in pain but their wasn't gonna be a reward at the end of the hell. I just wanna hold all my babies , hear him cry and have Kayce teach him to ride but instead I will have this. A cold hospital room, a dead baby and a husband that has lost so much already.

Just when I felt the contraction ease up, my door opened. In walked my babies and the family with exception to Jaime who now lived in Ohio and "the boy" as rip likes to call Beth and his son who was at home on the ranch working cattle likely. Ev walked up and jumped on my bed still just as vibrant as the day I met her, Tate on the other hand stood in behind his fathers left side by his grandfather, and could barley look at me. I asked Tate to come on over and he did reluctantly after John said "go on over son". Tate walked over tentatively. Kayce walked closer and said "Tate I know you're probably  aware that with all the blood things wouldn't have been good" then Evelyn interrupted her dad and said "mama have baby?" She asked touching the stomach of the only mom she has known.  "No baby mama didn't have the baby" "mama hurt" "kind of hunny we are all pretty sad right now, your brother (he said looking at both kids) passed away in mamas tummy last night, the doctors are gonna help him leave mamas belly and we will bury him by Grandma and Uncle Lee" "how do they get him out?" asked Tate. To which Kayce started to say something but I cut him off and said "I will have him like your Mommy had you, John and Evelyn, they are gonna give me a medicine to help it along faster then that he will be born and we can hold him and love on him for a while" Kayce looked like he was gonna start crying as he grabbed Tate in a hug. John a man I have rarely seen emotional besides when talking of his wife and had tears in his eyes, Beth had joined the Kayce and Tate hug and rip stood directly across from me and said "I am sorry Y/N, whatever you need we are here, if you need the kids looked after, you name it" "thanks rip" I said reaching out for a hug. After our hug they all proceeded to head home until they where called back to the hospital when he was here. After they left I had fallen asleep between contractions and out of emotional exhaustion and awoke to Kayce sitting in a chair next to the bed and talking really low I could barley make it out, I continued to keep my eyes closed so I could listen in on his father son talk.

Nobody POV

Kayce laid his head next to Y/N stomach. He started with "Hey little man, I know this isn't ideal but us cowboys never are. You know your mama and I never should've ended up together but out of I guess luck on my end after losing your siblings mother I found her, now I don't know how to survive without her. She is the strongest lady I know I just hope she can take this. Now buddy when you get up to heaven unfortunately mama and daddy can't be there however I can tell you theirs gonna be a tall goofball of a guy you will see first thing. His name is Uncle Lee he's one of my brothers but make sure you tell him I am the best looking, then your probably gonna meet a lady named Evelyn like your sisters name, she is my mom and she will love you and protect you until I can see you again and theirs also gonna be one more important person up there, my first wife Monica, I know you only have one mama but your brother and sister have two, she died before you came along but she is an amazing mother, you can call her Mommy she would probably love that, Maybe you can play with John, tell her all about Evelyn and Tate, myself and Mama. She will be so happy to see you. I am so sorry buddy I love you so much and so does mama" with that he lifted his head up to see Y/N eyes opening unaware she had heard it all.

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