''Are you ok?'' I asked stupidly. Nico lifted his gaze. The sad music stopped abruptly. ''DO I LOOK LIKE AM OK!!! WILL IS DEAD AND ONE OF MY ONLY FRIENDS IS RESPONSIBLE!!!!'' Normally I get really mad when people yelled, but seeing Nico so sad just... Well it made me sad too ok! I started to cry.

''Great another person to be scared of me...'' Nico said.''No! No! That's not it.''I Stammered. ''I came here to try and make you feel better, but I guess I'm not doing a very good job...''

Nico gave a faint smile. ''No one has ever really cared to see how I was doing, well besides Bianca and....'' Nico's voice trailed off. I knew what he was gonna say, either that or that he was still sad about Jason (sorry if you didn't know).

I then said ''Um, you remember the time us and the gang played truth or dare and I dared Mira to eat some of my blue teeth staining gummy bears?''

''She ate the whole pack and her teeth were blue for a month.'' Nico said, and grinned like a maniac. ''She was so mad!!'' I laughed.

''Oh! And that one time when Will was playing fetch with mrs.O'Leary, But instead of a stick it was Miras violin bow!'' Nico said, his demonic grin broadening.

''Ya she practically burst into flames!!'' I laughed.

"I bet she would have if she was a child of Hephaestus.'' Nico said as he slid a cell phone off his bed. (The Apollo kids really don't think I know about those?)

I set myself on fire, and mimicked what Mira had said.''HOW DARE HE!! THAT STUPED IDIODIC SCUM!!''

We both started laughing hysterically for a while.

Nico's face suddenly hardened. "It'll never be like that again. Will is... He's gone... And-And Mira killed him! We can not trust her anymore.''

''Well I wouldn't jump to conclusions,'' I said.'' We're still not sure how it happened.''

Nico stared up at the ceiling, probably trying to decide How he would kill Mira.

''Did she send you here?''He asked.

I froze. And my palms got all sweaty again, I could already see myself in front of the counsel in the underworld.

Then I got an idea, just in time (thank the gods) ''Piff,Nooo! I was just going to ask if you were ok, because your my friend, And if you wanted to see how the Hermes and Athena kids were doing with the investigation.''

''Ok. I'll come. Glad I have at least one friend left.''Nico said dryly.

He flopped out of his bed straight onto the floor. I watched him lay there for about a minute expecting him to get up. But he just kept lying there. Another moment passed, and I was starting to worry. ''Ummm, are you coming?'' I asked. Nico lifted his face off the floor. ''Ok..."

He then started to do the worm toward the door of the cabin.

I opened the door, because I figured Nico couldn't do it with his face.

As the door opened, and sunlight started to fill the room, Nico hissed like it was assaulting him.

''The SUN, Nooo it reminds me of....him. Dam you Apollo!!!''Nico shook his fist at the sky. I tried not to laugh.''Dude.'' I closed the door of the Hades cabin once he had inched outside. ''You need some serious help.'' That was probably not a very smart thing to say...

Nico looked up at me and glared. Then he jumped to his feet, wobbled a bit, then Proceeded to hissed at the sky again( At least I'm hoping it was the sky)

We then started off to the Athena cabin. As we walked I twisted a piece of wire into a ring shaped like a cat(I love cats). I then slipped it into my pocket.

''Nice work.''Nico said.

''Thanks.'' I said as I did a few random flaps (What? It happens when two of your friends are children of the theater god. Will and Mira had taught us a lot of dance moves.)

We walked for about two more minutes, finally reaching cabin 6.

I knocked on the door. There was some commotion from inside, Like books falling, furniture being scooted around, and people complaining. The door flew open and Evan, a child of Hermes, sorry Mercury, stood there looking sort of annoyed. He was wearing a kilt. Why, I am not sure, and am not sure I really want to know.( I've learned not to question his fashion sense)

You might be wondering why a child of a Roman god was at our Greek camp. Well about a week ago Evan had crash landed on the roof of the dining pavilion, And then Rachel spouted out a prophecy and Bam! Me, Mira and Evan were off on a quest to find some of Aphrodites stupid cursed jewelry. I know, what fun!

''What do you guys want?'' Evan asked.

I tried to keep a straight face.'' We were wondering how the investigation was going.''

''Well it's not going very well for Mira, Looks like she might have a bag of weasels in her future.'' Evan said as he scooted a small bedside table away with his foot.

''She deserves it,''Nico muttered.

I glared at him, then punched him in the arm. ''Did you interview everyone yet?'' I asked.

''No, only about half of the campers,''

''Was any of them named Billyus?''

''No. There's someone here named Billyus?''

''Yup He's one of the ones from cabin 10.''

''Ok, well, im not sure how to respond to that.''

''None of us do.''I laughed, Already hating the plan that was forming in my head.

''Thanks for the information Evan.''

''No problem.'' Evan said as he went back into cabin 6.

''Ok there's still one thing I don't get.'' Nico said after I explained my crazy plan.

''Why was that Dude back at the Athena cabin wearing a skirt?''

(and there is is, chapter 2. this one was mostly written by my friend, and i helped, it was a collaboritive effort, like the rest of the book. the two main characters Mira and Lisa are actually our ocs so we each get a couple chapters.

dont lick soap


The death of Will SolaceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ