Chapter Eleven

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'I still think we should think about this logically. You know running towards our death isn't the best idea.'

Forestclaw meowed warily, glancing back over his shoulder, as if DarkClan warriors were trailing them. Glowstorm rolled her eyes, exasperated at Forestclaw's cautiousness at the matter.

Yeesh. All of DarkClan is back at their camp. Aren't they?

That thought made her shiver, and it wasn't the cold this time. It was the memory of the DarkClan warrior on top of her, the feeling of matted fur under her paws, and rigid claws raking her flank that made her glance back briefly as well. But just as she had thought, no one was following them, and she made a quiet sigh of relief.

'Look! The frozen river! Sharprock Mountains is in sight!'

Treelight exclaimed, his voice startling Glowstorm out of her thoughts.

Her mate was right, the snow covered ground beneath them became a sloping mountainside, with only a light dusting of snow.

Sharprock. It earned it's name.

Glowstorm thought as a pointy pebble stabbed into her pads, a cut began to appear, stinging painfully and making her wince. It seemed that the others were experiencing discomfort too, because she saw Forestclaw flinch, and Treelight gasp in pain and surprise.

The frozen river up ahead was only a few fox-lengths away, and was starting to crack and fall apart as New-leaf approached.

'Who will cross first?'

Asked Treelight, looking at them all.

'I will,  I think its my responsibility. I should've woken up earlier and stopped him immediately, or kept going even when my paws felt like they were gonna give way. Not stop at SnowClan camp for a rest.'

Glowstorm said, and Forestclaw nodded.

'Okay. Just be careful. falling under ice can be dangerous. Especially since you can't see the rush of the current underneath the thick ice. But I think we have the advantage of New-leaf, because the ice is starting to crack, it--'

Treelight broke off of his lecture as Glowstorm flicked him with her tail affectionately, and leapt gracefully across the river, landing safely on the other side. But the majestic affect was ruined because she toppled over a moment later and Treelight tried to smother a laugh. Forestclaw shook his head and chuckled, leaping easily over the cracking river, followed closely by Treelight.

'That wasn't funny!'

Glowstorm growled, trying to shake pebbles and dust out of her fur.

'Eeehhh, it was pretty funny.'

Treelight purred, grinning at his mate. Glowstorm flicked him with her tail, and started to pad carefully up the slippery slope.

Soon they neared the peak of the mountain, and they saw a mouth of a cave, yawning infront of them. They heard the yowls of DarkClan cats, and some squeals, like dying rats.

'Are they hunting live prey in there?'

Glowstorm asked.

' Maybe.'

Mewed Forestclaw.

'Okay. Let's go.'


Warriors Adventures of TreeClan  Book # 1 of Fire vs FireWhere stories live. Discover now