Chapter Four

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Glowstorm was running through the thick forest, twigs snagging at her fur, Treelight was by her side, grinning at her and racing ahead. She laughed out loud, her legs pumping strongly, pushing her forward. She stumbled, falling over on her back and laughed. Treelight stopped and turned around trotting over to her.

'No fair! You're two minutes older then me!'

Glowstorm meowed, giggling.

The rest of the sunhigh patrol which consisted of Barkpaw, Pebbleheart, Treelight and Glowstorm caught up with them. Barkpaw raised his eyebrows, and Glowstorm stood up looking embarrassed. Pebbleheart suddenly stiffened.

'Do you smell, SoulClan?'

He asked.

The rest of the patrol stopped and sniffed as well.

'Yes, I can. SoulClan is on our territory!'

Treelight snarled.

Glowstorm raised her hackles, ready to spring at any approaching cat. They heard a crackle in the bracken and a SoulClan apprentice came tumbling out of the thick forest. The tom only looked about seven moons old, and had a handsome ginger pelt and dark, nearly black grey eyes.

'What are you doing on TreeClan territory?'

Asked Barkpaw bravely, looking at the strange tom savagely.

'Please! Help! A Clan called DarkClan is attacking our camp!'

He yowled desperately.

'DarkClan? Who ever heard of DarkClan? How do we know this apprentice isn't making things up? It could be an ambush!'

Meowed Pebbleheart not convinced.

Glowstorm thought about this, then mewed strongly and clearly,

'I'll help, Treelight I know you want to help too, go back to camp and tell Willowstar, and bring Oakwood, Risepaw, Willowstar, Leafstripe, and Dusttail to come and help us fight for SoulClan, leave the rest of the warriors and apprentices to guard the camp. Oh, and bring Shinepaw too will you?'

He nodded, backing away, ready to spring into the forest and bring the backup.

'Okay, what's your name?'

Pebbleheart asked.

'F-F-Flightpaw Pebbleheart.'

'Okay. Now that we're all comitted, you need to take us to your camp, try and keep up you two.'

He mewed to Flightpaw and Barkpaw. They both nodded, their faces showing determination.

They all pelted away out of TreeClan territory, and towards the battle that lay ahead.

A/N Hey y'all! I'm so so so so so so sorry that this chapter isn't that long! But I'm really trying to get more chapters finished! Sorry again! TheZeldaKid


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