Chapter Five

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When they got to SoulClan camp, it was chaos, matted fur was scattered everywhere and drops of blood were splattered. Glowstorm could easily see the difference between the two Clans. For one, they had different smells, for another, DarkClan looked well fed, strong, and healthy, despite the frigid weather of leaf-bare. SoulClan on the other paw, looked weak, tired, and skinny. Leaf-bare obviously wasn't being very kind to the clan. A giant grey tabby tom lunged himself at Glowstorm, toppling her over and knocking the wind out of her. Glowstorm grunted, kicking up with her hind legs, but he held on tight, digging his claws into her back and driving her into the dirt. Glowstorm cried out in agony, squirming to try and get free.

Where is the backup?

She thought desperately, finally managing to twist around and send him flying into the bramble wall, one swipe to the nose sent him snarling off towards another SoulClan foe. She realised then that DarkClan weren't going to leave easily. Suddenly a wave of a familiar scent flooded her nose. TreeClan was here! Dusttail lunged over the bramble wall, yowling his battle cry out into the approaching night, he landed on a burly DarkClan she-cat apprentice, she snarled, and easily shook him off, lunging on top of him and scratching at his exposed underbelly. Then, as he tried to swipe at her nose, she latched her claws onto his, keeping his unsheathed paws still, then bit down hard. He caterwauled and swiped her nose, making a reasonably big gash across her face. She whimpered and sped out of camp, followed by another apprentice. Dusttail shook the drops of blood off of his paw and winced, limping towards a SoulClan warrior tom who smelled of chervil and poppy seeds. The SoulClan medicine cat. Willowstar was just emerging through the gorse tunnel by now. The whole Clan knew that she was only on her seventh life, even after being leader for most of the elders apprenticeships. She was nearly the oldest in the whole of TreeClan! Treelight was battling a brown she-cat warrior twice his size, and he was losing. Glowstorm growled and leapt at the warrior, claws unsheathed. She landed on her back and she yelped in surprise, she was one of the last of the DarkClan warriors and apprentices left in the SoulClan camp. Soon SoulClan would be back to normal. Well, mostly. The DarkClan cat kicked, but couldn't knock her off of of her. The warrior snarled and leapt towards the entrance, a sharp nip to the ear sent her pelting at ten times the speed she had been running before. Treelight looked around for another foe and saw Dusttail fighting another DarkClan apprentice. His side was bleeding and he had a nasty scratch across his eye leaving him squinting. Then, the worst thing happened, the apprentice was bitten and she pelted out of camp. Then. The last warrior crouched, sneaked up on Dusttail, and made a blow to the head that made him go limp, and fall to the ground.

'Do you see now cats of SoulClan and TreeClan the dangers of DarkClan?! Beware you mouse-brains, the claws of DarkClan!'

Then, as the warrior sprinted out of the camp, Glowstorm raced over to her lost friend, and gently jabbed him with her claw. He didn't move, Dusttail stayed completely still, unmoving and stiff. His eyes filled with the look of defiance that would stay on his face forever, as if the wind had changed, but in the wrong way. Glowstorm made a loud caterwauling noise filled with sadness and despair, and it was at that moment that it started raining. Huge drops fell on top of the duo as Glowstorm crumpled and started crying on top of him. As Treelight stepped forward, his face was grim, and his eyes were filled with the same type of sadness that filled a queens eyes after their kit has died. Treelight had known Dusttail since they were kits, and that friendship, Glowstorm hadn't thought, would end here, on this grim evening. The night before the gathering.

Warriors Adventures of TreeClan  Book # 1 of Fire vs FireOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant