Chapter twenty

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Chapter twenty: Julian is here
Milly pov*
"Julian! what are you doing here?" i said as my
cheeks turned the slightest bit rosy. "oh you know. having a bit of a wonder around the castle and i thought i'd check out the pool." he said giving me a sweet smile.

'Damn you're hot.'I thought. i mentally cursed myself. I can't think that! I'm basically cheating on Luka. Even though me and Luka aren't together, I love him with all my heart. Speaking of Luka, I'm surprised at how I've managed to keep my cool around him. especially now with his toned stomach and tanned skin. Obviously Luka is way hotter than Julian. but i don't know. Julian has something about him. He's always seemed familiar but I can't put my finger on it.

I was midway into my thoughts when a cough interrupted. "umm Milly? girl, you okay?" I heard Ashley ask me. "Oh yeah. i'm fine, just thinking.'' I smile at my best friend. "so.. who's this?" Ashley said, looking Julian up and down. Did Ashley forget him?? "Umm, this is Julian. you met him on the plane, remember?" I looked at her with a questionable look.

I guess Noah really took her mind away from everything. I've noticed that Noah and Ashley have spent a lot more time together lately. It's cute. "oh right yeah. also the boy I'm guessing you were out with the other night?" she raised an eyebrow at the both of us. I saw out of the corner of my eye, Julian' cheeks turning red. "umm yeah." Julian said, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. There was an awkward silence between us for quite a bit but Julian' loud ringtone cleared it. "hello? oh yes. mhm. on my way boss." Julian said in a serious tone. "Sorry Milly. I've got to go. i didn't even get to go in the pool yet" he laughed.

"Um, nice to see you again, Ashley. see you 'round Milly.'' Julian said as he slightly bowed his head at me before he turned to leave. "damn mari, i forgot how handsome he was! and don't think i didn't see that little nod of his towards you. When did you tell him you were.. well you?" Ashley questioned as she nudged me. "Firstly, nothing compared to Luka and secondly, he found out on his own. I haven't told anyone. I'll eventually tell everyone. just not now." I say as I look over to Luka. He looks really angry and confused at the same time. I have no idea why though. "Hey, you guys! Are you coming in the pool or what?" Griffin shouted at us from the pool.

Almost immediately, Luka's mood seemed to clear up. "Sure thing!" he laughed and dived into the pool with Noah. Ashley and I soon followed them. I've got to say, I normally find swimming here boring. But with all my friends here, I had the best time ever. As soon as we got dried I put on my clothes that I had taken with me before I changed into my bikini and went to my room. I don't really know why. I just felt drawn to it. you know how after a long day, you'd just go to your bedroom and fall flat on your bed? Yes, that's what I'm doing now. I didn't even bother to tell anyone where I'd gone, which was probably not the best idea. ''I wonder where my little kitties are?' I thought to myself.

I haven't seen Tigger and Rosie for ages. they're probably catching up, i mean me and Tigger have
been away for a very long time. i bet they missed
each other. I was deep in thought when I heard two gentle taps at my door. "uh come in?" I asked. nervous of who it was. "It's Kennedy, princess. your father would like to see you." she said before quickly curtsying and leaving.

"hmm i wonder what that's about?" I thought aloud. I quickly make myself presentable before seeing my father. "You asked to see me, father?" I ask, quietly walking into the private quarters. "yes, come in my dear." he says kindly. I also see mother sitting opposite him. "uhh have i done something wrong?" I ask. Father chuckles a little bit. My Aunt gently smiles at me. "God no, my love. actually we wanted to talk to you about something." he glances at mom again. Was he...... nervous? "Well, because your coronation is tomorrow, we haven't had the time to talk to you about this." Aunt Lexi hesitated before continuing. "A few days after the coronation, we want you to meet some lovely and respectable suitors. We have met them and I can honestly say, darling, they would make the most amazing husband. I can just imagine how happy you would be with these princes." My aunt said slowly. giving me time to process her words. "You want me to marry?" I ask.

"well yes. Obviously, you can't rule on your own." father said. I saw my aunt give him the most awful look out of the corner of my eye. I smiled at that. "I'm 17! I can't marry yet. and what do you mean i can't rule alone? all he would be doing is giving heirs. and i don't plan on doing that just yet.'' I say in almost disbelief.

"Milly please! we aren't asking you to marry anyone yet, we just want you to meet possible suitors that could-in the future-be your husband." Aunt Lexi said and sighed at me. "and not only will he be giving you heirs, he will be there to keep you company, support you, and mostly love you. " father added on. I thought about it. I hated the fact that I had to have a husband to be a great ruler. like are they for real? "fine. How about I meet them a week from tomorrow? since the coronation is tomorrow, it would've given me time to settle into my duties and not be so overwhelmed.'' I frown.

"perfect." Aunt Lexi smiled at me. "Lexi, it's almost 5! we must go." father says to aunt Lexi . "where are you going?" I ask. "we're going to check up on the security details. We have a meeting with the police force and our security. we won't be long.'' Father smiles as he takes Aunt Lexi's and turns towards the door to leave. "Be safe, I love you both." I say before the doors close. I sigh and plant myself into the sofa. I wonder how busy my life will become once I'm queen.

I'm still angry about the decision I made with my father and aunt Lexi. I just don't understand why a woman has to have a man by her side to feel...accepted. I know that my country won't let me rule without a king which is totally unfair. What can a man do that a woman can't? That whole agreement has put me in a bad mood for the rest of my night. I wonder if Ashley, Noah and Luka can cheer me up. I know I've seen them everyday but it feels like I haven't seen them in ages. I get up and search for them.

Comment and vote CJ out;) PS you should all check out lily Scott photography. She is amazing at taking pictures

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