Chapter one

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Chapter one:the announcement
Something was beeping, it was loud, I didn't like it at all, I wanted it to stop. Was it in my dreams? I have no idea, it kept beeping and beeping and beeping.

ugh I went to turn over to get away from the annoying sound, but as I was moving I heard another noise was that I purr? I managed to open my eyes, only to come face to face with my black little kitty tigger. "Oh good morning handsome." I yawned to tigger he purred at me and moved away so I could see the time and turned off my stupid alarm. 8:30!!

"I'm late!" I screamed, oh no I can't be late again. I quickly put on my aztec patterned shorts, white vest top, a white cardigan and golden sandals. "How do I look tigger?" I asked him.

He stared at me, silence, not even a purr, "i'll take that as a, 'wow milly you look absolutely gorgeous, luka will definitely ask you out before your coronation' compliment" I smiled at him and stroked behind his ears before I grabbed my bag and headed off to school.

It was such a nice, sunny day. It is the middle of July so I guess it's supposed to be. As I approached the school I saw Ashley videoing herself. My guess is that she was either doing a or she was filming for her famous people blog, she has a blog about famous people.

"Hey Ash, what's up?" I asked as I walked up to and nudged her shoulder. She put her phone and turned to me "okay, so Issac told Miranda and Miranda told Rose, then Rose told Alex, then Alex told Griffin, then Griffin told Milo, then Milo told Noah, than Noah told me that there's going to be a big announcement about the contest that the school entered and I think we won!" Ashley said without a single breath.

"Okay Ashley. chill" we both laughed, we calmed down a bit and Ashley was just about to explain in a better formation, when we heard two pairs of footsteps. Oh I wonder who that could be? Suddenly, Noah and Luka popped up out of nowhere. "Sup, dudettes. What's up?" Noah asked, "so, Issac told Miranda-'' Ashley began before I cut off her long explanation of 'what's up' "Basically, news has spread around that there will be a big announcement about the contest that we entered a few weeks ago and Ashley thinks that we've won" I said.

Ashley looked at me unimpressed "your welcome by the way" I said to the boys in a matter of fact tone. "Why should we be thanking you?" Luka asked slyly, "um well you see- um, I mean I saved you all from Ashley's massive talk about who told who about what" I say nervously. I was doing great until he showed up, curse my crush on him. Oh why does he have to be so kind, dreamy, talented, amazing- "illy?" I hear someone say, how dare they cut me off from my Luka daydream.

"Um yes? I say embarrassed. "Want to go to class now?" Luka asked me. I looked around and realized that Noah and Ashley were already halfway up the stairs and it was just Luka and I standing in the courtyard. "Uh yeah lets go" I smiled, yes one point for milly and zero points for stuttering mess Milly.

I stride into class like the queen I was meant to be, with people staring at me because I walked into class with Luka! I didn't think anything could bring me down from my cloud nine but yet again, fate has other plans for me as I run into the devil herself, Bethany. "Ahem! Well, well, well. Look who it is. Camilla aster-whitlock '' Bethany spat. "Good morning Bethany . How are you?' I asked politely, if I'm going to become a ruler I must learn to respect and be polite and Generous to everyone.

"Ugh. don't be all nice to me just because you want to get on Luka's good side. Got it Camilla?" she snarled at me "of course Bethany and if there is anything you need, feel free to contact me" I gave her a mocking smirk as she flicked her hair over her shoulder and walked over, back to her desk, I began to sketch an idea for my ball gown until Miss B comes.

A few moments later Miss Belle walked into our classroom with a large smile on her face. "Class! Please put everything down because this is extremely important" she addressed to the class as they put their things down and turned their focus on the teacher, well all except me I count think about a stupid contest, im goint to become queen in three weeks time I need to plan, so I continue to sketch.

"So as you all know, a few weeks ago we entered a contest and I am very pleased to tell you that we won! out of 268 schools all across we won, well done. Everyone!" she said as everyone started clapping and cheering. I still couldn't care less.

"And, all contests have a prize. This prize is a very big prize this year. We are all going to.... China for the princess's coronation!" She cheered. wait. What!!!! My pencil dropped to the floor with a loud clang. Everyone stared at me. China. Coronation? My! Coronation! this can't be happening!

"Is anything wrong camilla?" Miss Belle asked "oh no. Just my pencil must've rolled off of the table, sorry miss" I apologized before going to pick it up. The rest of class flew over even though it was only lunch, I needed to go home and tell my aunt and uncle. I ran out of the school and headed to the bakery, where I live with my aunt and uncle, to inform them on everything that's about to happen.

Hey, hope you like it, CJ out ;)

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