Chapter 33: Switching Places

Start from the beginning

Back with the family:
Ava: ugh! You won't let me leave that freaking house. I want to do something with you guys. Fight along with you guys. I'm a Winchester shouldn't I be joining the family business
Dean: you maybe a Winchester by blood, but over my dead body will you ever lay your hand on a hunt. Beside we let you leave the house today
Ava: forget it, no matter what I say or how old I get, you will never let me hunt with you guys

Women from earlier walked over to them.

Women: Fortune cookie
Dean/Ava: *scoff* no thanks
Sam: I'll take one
Women: this is just made just for them. Take it...

Dean and Ava looked at each other and Ava grabbed it, and got up.

Ava: I'm going to the bathroom
Dean: yeah you go do that

Ava rolled her eyes and left and Dean stomach rubble and he said.

Dean: woah, maybe I should go too
Sam: maybe it's because of all the bacon you ate at breakfast this morning
Dean: don't mess with me and my bacon, ooo
Sam: more like it mess you up. Dude you should probably go take a look at that
Dean: whatever

Dean headed to the bathroom and after her used it he open the fortune cookie the same time Ava did after she used the bathroom.

Dean took a piece of his before the both read it at the same time.

Ava/Dean: a journey soon begins,
Dean: it's prize reflected in another's eyes
Ava: when what you see is what you lack,
Ava/Dean: then selfless love will change you back
Dean: this is such a bull-

Just then their was a earthquake between Ava and Dean, things started falling off the shelves and wall. Ava and Dean both hurried out of the bathroom and ran into each other and that's when the earthquake.

Dean: Ava, are you okay?
Ava: yeah Im fine dad

They headed back to the dining area and everything looked fine, Dean and Ava headed back to their seats and Dean said to Sam.

Dean: dude, did you feel that?
Sam: *confused* feel what?
Ava: their was an earthquake
Sam: *looks at them odd* their wasn't no earthquake
Ava: yes, their was
Sam: an earthquake, are you sure? Maybe it was an after shock
Dean: Sam I know what an aftershock felt like and that ain't no aftershock
Ava: stuff were falling off the shelves and was tearing up the walls. Nothing?
Sam: I don't know what you guys just experience but I can guarantee nobody else in this room felt an earthquake when you guys were in the bathroom

Dean and Ava look at each other strange. Just then the women that gave them the fortune cookie smirked as she walked passed them. Sam got a strange feeling and noticed but didn't say anything.

Dean: this place gives me the creeps, let's get out of here
Ava: finally something we agree on
Sam: alright I'll pay

Sam payed for the food as they left the place, and the daughter said to their mother.

Daughter: Mom, I hope you know what you're doing
Mom: don't worry darling, everything will be just fine

Late at night when everyone went to bed. The clock strike midnight and Dean and Ava suddenly switch places over night. Ava was in Dean's body and Dean was in Ava's body but they had yet to know about until the next morning.

Dean (Ava) was dreaming about women smirking, he stretch and woke up from his dream when it was morning, then he looked around and noticed he was in his daughter's bedroom.

Dean (Ava): *thinking: Why am I in Ava's bedroom, what the hell happened last night, did I past out in here? I have no memory of this *feels his hair* this isn't mine *feels his finger* those aren't mine either. What the hell?! *feels his boob and butt* okay that's just weird in a whole new level. *looks in the mirror and screams* Why am I in a female body?!

So Little Time: Dean Winchester DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now