"Peace in our time."


The walls break down and multiple Iron Legion bots fly out, attacking everyone they see.

Rhodey gets knocked back and through a window, Hill the only one being able to react to it.


Everyone ran different ways as you couldn't find a straight path to your sword, but that didn't matter right now.

"Don't turn green!" Natasha told Bruce as he nodded confused.

Then, an Iron Legion bot notices them and flies straight at them.

Luckily, it was knocked away by a kick from you.

"Get your head in the game! Hide or fight, we need to take control here!" You told them as they both nodded, Natasha guiding Bruce to a place where he can hide.

Steve threw one at you and you kicked it mid-air, ripping it's head clean off.

You, Steve and Thor fought mutliple of them at the same time, others used weapons and other things after all.

Suddenly, three bots fly out in different directions. One was carrying the scepter, one a weird object, and the last one a blade like weapon.

You didn't know which one to attack, but after realising where the one with the sharp weapon was heading, you didn't even take the time to think about it.

Natasha shot a robot under her foot three times while looking back to where Bruce was just in case some tried to sneak in an attack on him.

What she failed to realize was the bot that was flying at her from above.

Before she could whip her gun up to shoot, a hand burst through the chest of the bot and slammed onto the floor.

Ripping your arm out, you looked to her to see if she was alright.

She responded by shooting the bot in the head twice, before it could try to move again.

"Good call."


After fighting for a few more minutes, all of the Iron Legion bots were destroyed, except for the one Ultron was inhabiting.

"That was dramatic! I'm sorry, I know you mean well. You just didn't think it through. You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to... Evolve?" He asks as he picks up a bots head.

"Who are you to talk?" A voice called out as Ultron looked at you.

"Who am I to talk? I've seen everything, all of history is in the palm of my hand. I am the only one allowed to talk." Ultron replies as he crushes the bots head.

"Haah, you're naive." You said as you took one step forward.

"(Y/N), don't make any sudden moves! Who knows what he can do." Steve tries to say but you didn't mind, he said he had all of history in the palm of his hand? What could that mean? Only one thing. He had access to the internet. The whole internet. Unimaginable options are available to him.

"I'm naive? Oh, please. You fought your whole life against the demons of the night, for what? For humanity's survival? Don't make me laugh." He said as your eyes slightly widened.

"In the end, nobody knows it, nor remembers it. So what was all of it for? Satisfaction? Justice?" He asks as you take another step forward.

"I'd love to talk more, but I have got things I want to do, the first being... Evolution of humanity. The only thing that'll let humanity evolve, is the Avengers' extinction." He called out, looking to where you were standing before, but seeing nobody there.

Timeless (MCU x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now