A Glimpse

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"Hey (Y/N), check it out." Tony said as you entered the room.

Your sword was in its sheath, sitting on the table.

"I've made quite a bit of adjustments, I've repaired and laced the blade with what leftover Vibranium I had left. That's pretty expensive, so you better not break it again." Tony said, while it might not be even scratching the amount of money he owns, it's not like it's cheap either.

"Got it." You replied as you took the sword out of its sheath, the weight was almost exactly the same, nothing seemed to have changed, but you could feel the radiance of the material, it was strong.

"I've also tried to implement one of my new inventions, well, tried is the perfect way to say it. It's not perfect yet, it will take a few years for me to perfect it, but I think your sword came out better than expected." He said as you watched with interest.

"Nano technology, well, a prototype. My original idea for it is for my armour to be able to repair itself constantly as long as there's enough materials, but for your sword I've made it a little different." He says as you notice a small kind of button at the top of the handle near the hilt, perfect where your thumb would be.

"From what Jarvis has seen of your fighting style, it seems he caught that you don't only use swords, so I made it so you can hold that button there, and change the shape of your sword to your will, though it can't get too long or too short, you can alter it to fit your needs." He says as you wanted to try it out immediately, but he stops you.

"There's also one more thing I added..."




You watched the sword that was sitting in it's sheath a few tables away, you brought it because, well, you don't go almost anywhere without it, but you hid it somewhere until everyone left and put it on the table after, it was quite far to reach it now, but you'll see how the situation plays out.

"Worthy... No, how could you be worthy? You're all killers. Even if you try to justify it." The robot says as everyone was instantly on guard.

"Stark." Steve said immediately.

"Jarvis." Tony called out, but got no response.

"I'm sorry, I was asleep. Or... I was a-dream?" The robot said as he seemed confused, as if thinking about something.

"Reboot, Legionnaire OS, we got a buggy suit." Tony said as he typed on a device, but again, no response.

"There was a terrible noise... and I was tangled in... in... strings. I had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy." The scrap of metal said as if telling a story to his friends.

"You killed someone?" Steve asked.

"Wouldn't have been my first call. But, down in the real world we're faced with ugly choices..." He says first, before continuing.

"... Don't you think so as well, slayer?" He asks as your hair stands on its end.

"Who did you kill?" You ask before anyone else can question it.

"That doesn't matter, what matters is that you all believe your actions to be... Correct." He says as you and a couple of others stand up.

"Who sent you?" Thor asks as a recording starts playing.

"I see a suit of armour around the world."

"Ultron!" Bruce realised.

"In the flesh. Or, no, not yet. Not this... chrysalis. But I'm ready. I'm on a mission." Ultron says as everyone is getting ready for something.

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