I'd Come For You: Steve Rogers x FBI!Reader

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This may have been written whilst I was listening to I'd Come For You by Nickelback.... anyway.

This was requested by @malavika52, she's always providing the gooooooooooods.

YN wobbled on the stool as she lifted onto her toes, a groan releasing from her mouth as her fingertips pushed the bowl onto the top shelf. A knock on the door startled her, luckily just after she'd removed her grip on the object. 

Huffing, YN jumped from the stool, wincing as her ankles cracked in disapproval. Pulling the door open, YN stared at the hallway occupant, barely even blinking.

"No." She said, swinging the door shut. Before it could close harshly, a foot stuck out, making YN sigh in pity for herself. The door was pushed open, revealing a very unbothered Ross and his goons.

"Hello, Miss YLN." YN rolled her eyes, crossing her arms.

"Whatever it is, no." Ross smiled, shaking his head.

"I think this will persuade you." He said, stepping past her, his flanks following closely.

"By all means, come in." She scoffed, slamming the door behind him. YN crossed her arms as she leant against the wall, watching in distaste as Ross sat at her counter. YN pursed her lips, her eyes narrowing as Ross's men stood at her exit.

"We want you to find him." YN laughed, her whole torso shaking with the effort she put into it. "This isn't a joke, Special Agent."

"No, of course not." She chuckled, running a hand through her hair. "What is a joke, is you barging into a retired federal agent's apartment on a Sunday afternoon and demanding her to find a superhero. That, is laughable, Ross."

Ross grimaced, shaking his head. "He's wanted in over seventy countries. He's a fugitive, and you're the best tracker the American Government ever had." YN shrugged, still unconvinced. "We'll make it worth your while." Cocking her head, YN tapped her foot, urging him on. "Your colleagues... the ones you lost-"

"They were more than that to me." YN sneered, stepping forward and into Ross's space. "Choose your next words very wisely." She added, noting Ross's men tense.

"Because you may not like them?" Ross asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because you might not like what I do when I do hear them." She confirmed, leaning back. "They were my family. And they died, because of men like you, not giving me the whole story. I will never fall to a position where I am being ordered by men like you, ever again. Understand?"

"They didn't even get headstones, am I correct?" YN tensed, her back turning to Ross as a frown buried her eyebrows over her eyes. "YN, I can pay you enough to get them five headstones each, if you agree to this."

YN stared at the counter, a picture of the blonde hero gazing back at her, her reaction making her groan. Her morals fought in her head, but the memory of the families of her friends, each of their devastation killing her with every tear they dropped.

"Where do I start?"


YN looked around the ballroom, her arms resting gently by her side. She had a flirty smile on her face, welcoming any and all attention to her.

"Lookin' good, YLN." YN tried to remain unfazed, but the males voice severely ticked her off. Lifting her pocket mirror in front of her, she pretended to fix her lipstick, using the reflection to scout the room.

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