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Guess who's starting school soon 🤪



- 5.5/10

- He never really goes too over board with PDA, doesn't really do it much

- Maybe just cheek kisses, hand holding, and piggy back rides

- He doesn't show much affection in public but he sure does in private


- 7/10

- He's a bit shy when it comes to PDA but over time he gets more comfortable

- He can go from simple hand holding to back hugs and neck kissed all the time when out in public

- He sometimes can't keep his hands off you, but still he stays respectful


- 8/10

- He most definitely doesn't mind giving you kisses, hugs, and hang holding out in public

- He loves to show you off to people, it's how he also shows his affection and how he shows that he's lying attention

- He won't do something that you aren't comfortable though


- 6/10

- He's really shy and cause of that he doesn't really do it

- It does take a while for him to get real comfortable with not just the idea of affection in public but the idea of people "watching him"

- For the moment it's just simple hand holding


- 9/10

- He honestly treats you like a queen out in public

- He don't afraid to show people how my he loves you, he loves to show that he cares and loves you

- He literally does like anything besides making out in public


- 5.5/10

- He gets embarrassed by the thought of people seeing and what would they think

- It takes a while, for him to get used to even hand holding cuz of how shy he gets

- There will be moments when he would show you off



- He's flirty, both public and in private

- He ain't scared to show you off and to how you how much he loves you

- He doesn't like it when guys stare at you though, which makes him wrap his arms around you even more


- 6/10

- He ain't very affectionate out in public, he doesn't really wanna show that side of him

- He wouldn't mind though just not really his thing, he'll give you cheek kisses sometimes

- He honestly doesn't mind hand holding, hugs, or piggy back rides



- It honestly depends on how he's feeling or how you're feeling

- One moment he can be just showing you off to everyone and the next he could be giving you your own space

- he wouldn't go overboard when showing you off though


- He's honestly either shy or just nervous

- In the end be realized that there isn't much point in PDA, but he still holds your hand and all

- He'd just rather show you affection and love I'm private than in public


- 9/10

- She isn't scared to show people that you're taken

- She always gives you piggy back rides like everywhere even if it's just to the bus stop

- She always puts her arm around your shoulder too or waist which ever you're comfortable with


- 9/10

- She honestly doesn't really care, she doesn't care what people think or see

- She'll do anything, if you're okay with it ofc

- but she won't make out out in public scared of getting caught


- 8/10

- He's like Luis, he ain't scared to show you off to people

- He wouldn't make out in public though, but besides that he'll do anything as long as it's good with you ofc

- He is kinda shy and nervous at first thought


- 7/10

- He doesn't care much

- There are moments when he doesn't want much affection in public though

- Out in public, he shares food and everything with you so even with not much affection you can tell you're together

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