Your favorite thing about them

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- His relationship with his mom

- You've always loved how close they both were and how they were always there for each other

- Charlie and his mom have been there for each other and you love how sweet and kind he is for his mom


- You love how passionate he is about hockey and the whole concept about it

- You love the sparks his eyes get whenever you bring up the topic

- You love the look on his face and his voice, you could listen to him for hours


- His smile and laugh

- Seeing him smile always cheered you up and it made your day better :)

- His laugh is like music to your ears, you would tell jokes just to hear him laugh at least once or twice


- How understanding and kind he can be :)

- He's always there for you for your ups and downs in life and it always warms your heart and it makes you love him even more

- He's literally the most kindest person you've met in your whole life


- The way he looks at you

- You've noticed how he looks at you, he honestly just looks like he's head over heels for you

- It makes him even more cuter than he is tbh


- His cheesy pick up lines off Google

- You love how hard he try's to flirt with you even though he sucks at it, he try's tho and that makes you smile

- Even though his pick up lines suck, you'd never want him to stop :)


- You both have a lot in common so you love how similar but different you both are

- Since you're so similar you both try out new things that you know the other would like

- It makes it easier for you to buy him a gift or fate ideas for another time


- You love his music taste

- You have a playlist of all of his favorite songs that you listen to daily

- You also gave another playlist with songs that remind you of him :)


- How tough but kind he can be with you

- One minute he's protective of you and wants to make sure you don't get hurt and the next he's just super sweet with you

- He acts tough around people but the second you guys are alone, he's a softie


- His compliments

- He hyped you up whenever you take him out shopping, he helps you feel better about yourself

- he compliments you every time he sees you :)


- The look on her face when she focuses so hard on something

- You find it cute how Connie would make a face when she's trying to focus it's something you picked up about her

- You find the face expression cute :)


- How well she treats you

- Shes so gentle but like tough with you not a bad tough but more like a not too kind and open minded kind of tough idk if that make sense

- Shes more of a gentleman than any other guy you've met


- The way he how's his love for you

- He shows it every differently depending on how he sees you acting

- It's your emotions that help him know what you need to help you feel better or to make you feel heard :)


- He's always there for you

- Literally the person you go to when you need a shoulder to cry on

- he's there for you all the way, he listens to you and your problems makes you love him more :)

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