Provision (Sid)

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Sid's Provision:- Why always me!?!
I Love Sanjana so much and yet she didn't tell me about her engagement!?
When the first time we met and she got angry and said no... My heart didn't pain so much.... But NOW! It really hurts, it pains as if someone took a knife and stabbed it in the heart💔

The pain of losing the one you Love is unbearable 😭

If she was engaged she should have atleast told me about it... Then I wouldn't have asked her for a date or even Ask her to get engaged to me.... But the thought that she didn't tell me hurts me deep within....

Kundan... Who just  became my friend is actually my enemy... Even though it's unintentional but still... I feel he is my enemy and the worst one....

I know Sanjana must be having something... That she doesn't want to tell... Or mayb she's forced to get married, but she could have told me.... Me and her.. together would have found out a solution for it... But no, she wanted to keep it a secret...

Why!?! Why me!?!
Even Monu faced the same thing, Karan Sir rejected her proposal... Why does it happen to us only!?!? 😭😭💔💔

But I will not lose HOPE.... I will find out the Reason why Sanju is doing this and will sort everything out.....

Sid... Don't worry everything will be Fine! Just be Positive and Find out the Reason for Sanjana's depression and Stress......

Just because a man is rich... You just can't make your daughter marry that him... You should always ask the permission of your daughter or if your daughter loves someone else... If people force Girls to get married to a person who is not their choice... Even boys should be treated the same way.... Why does A Girl have to leave everything.. their dreams, goals and whatever they want to achieve... Even girls want to be successful... If you treat Girls the Same way as the Boys are treated then you will come to know that Girls are much better than Boys... If Girls are given a chance to do something for themselves... You will see that they will be Successful and will fly High!!!

Girls are not Less then Boys... But the way Girls are treated make them look Less....

Ziddi Dil Maane Na thankyou for highlighting this thought and for making every one understand the importance of Girls and their Dreams!!!!

To be continued....

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