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Sid with Determination and Monami with a Smile go to the mess...

Everyone was seated on their seats in the Mess... Even the Trainers (Karan & Faizi)

All of them were unhappy and sad because Sanjana left the academy...

Faizi: Hmm... Monami, why are you and Sid smiling?
Are you'll happy that Sanjana left!?

Everyone along with Karan stared at them then... pounced and attacked SiMi with their questions... (Rather bombarded them with it😂)

SiMi: Enough!
We are not Happy... But we Have a plan to bring Sanjana back to the academy!! (With a Smirk of Happiness)

Everyone.... Together: WHAT!?!?

Monami: Yes... Sanjana isn't happy with this marriage... Rather she is forced to get married because of the pressure of her parents, and she agreed so that she doesn't insult her Mom and Dad... But, the person to whom she is engaged to doesn't respect her.. and says that she is supposed to work only in the kitchen:(

(can't say getting married coz... It will be Sid who will get married to Sanju😄)

Sid: So we thought of making a plan... So that we can break the engagement and bring Sanjana back!

Everyone was still processing what they heard... They didn't know that Sanjana was forced for the marriage... Even Karan and Faizi... Though they treat her like their own Sister/Friend, didn't know this.

Karan: Rani Sahiba... How do you know this!?

Monami: That day when she was packing to leave.. I told her that she shouldn't have done this with Sid and should have distanced herself from Sid.. But when she told me she can't break this marriage and is forced to get married I was shocked... She even started falling in Love with Sid and still is... But since she's engaged.. she can't break the marriage... So I told her to be positive and everything will get sorted out!

Faizi: I can't believe it... Sanjana went through all this but never told us... Anyway, Monami/Sid.. you tell us the plan... We will help you'll!

Everyone agreed and smiled 😊

Sid: Right now.. we haven't thought of any plan.. but we are racking our minds.. you'll please do the same... And if anyone gets any idea let us know!

Everyone: Okayy!!!

Chitra: So mission SBA on!✊

Everyone: SBA!?!! (Except Monami and Sid)

SiMi: Mission Sanjana Back to the Academy... Right Chitra!?

Chitra: Right!

Everyone with Hope, Determination and Happiness was thinking of a plan to bring their Trainer/Friend and Would to Be Wife back 🙈✨

Precap: May be the plan !?
Don't know 😅

To be continued...

Hope you liked it!
Sorry couldn't write for along time😬✌🏻
Also.... I'm sooo sorry that the story is short... But will try to write a longer one next time!

Give your Love and Support!!

Thankyou ✨💫

( Also... I may write another story on SidSa, Moran and a little bit of Koezi... Do Read.. and give you support to that story also!!
Thankyou once again 😄✌🏻)

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