Chapter 1

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{Point of view is third person limited at the most. But slowly switches to third person omniscient. THANKS FOR THE WAIT. This will not have an official date set for when the chapters are posted yet.}

Knocking gently on the door. Though knocking soon became louder. Until someone began to bang their fists against the door.

America automatically jumped up from his bed, only to find himself hitting the floor. He looked up to the person who banged on his door that now seemed to be snickering like no tomorrow. The big brother of his, the one and only maple man. "Well well, Rise and shine Ame. Come on. We'll be late if you don't hurry it up." He may have said it in a calm manner, but it pissed the American off. He was about to give him a response but he came to find that he already walked out the door. America huffed then he sighed. He quickly got up to his feet. "Yeah yeah... Good morning to you too.. Asshole." The male did exactly as Canada told him to do. America went simple but classy. He grabbed a white button up and threw it over his body. Then he slipped on some black flexible jeans. America topped it off with some regular Jordan branded shoes and a cross necklace. America quickly touched up his hair a bit and ran downstairs.  He quickly went to the kitchen and got a plate that France usually sets for them each morning because he had work early. He quickly ate and went to the living room where the Canadian stood. He was twirling keys in one hand and texting someone in the other. He swirled them around and whistled. Then he at finally looked up at the American who crossed his arms as soon as he did so."Ready to go I'm assuming?" America's eyebrow twitched. "Go! You woke me up saying we were going to be late because of me so let's leave." Though the Canadian was confused by his sudden attitude, he did as told. "Alright Queen Mary, Don't execute me." Canadian replied in a sarcastic remark. America just rolled his eyes and went out to the car.

As time went by they finally made it to the school grounds. The American smiled almost immediately. Even though he saw most of his friends in person, it was going to be even better with the gang at school. Despite his friend Germany being shy even with people he knows well around him.

He took a deep breath. Well, He tried to before the literal breath was knocked right out of him. "Konichiwa!~" The overly excited female shouted in a quiet tone. She was a bit confused on why he didn't respond soon as, only to realize his face was squished against the rough concrete. She got off in panic, knowing the male was probably in a lot of pain now. "H-hh...ello to you to Japan." Once he stood up he frantically rubbed his forehead. "Just a hello!? We haven't seen each other since uhm....  The fall...-" He knew she was probably going to make a hyperbole, But he interrupted her. "Since last week after we came back from the trip? Yeah, I missed you to Jappy. Now come on, I gotta go meet that beautiful w-" South Korea bumped into him, screaming an apology as he ran. America was a bit confused until he saw the Northern Korean chasing him in anger. Typical them. Japan seemed to curl her hair with her finger and waved to the two. "Let's go. I just hope I'm not in W.H.O's homeroom again.." He stretched. Japan just agreed, going off into a daze as she followed the American who began walking off.

(RULE 1; Plan it out, Think ahead. )

Japan and America had to split, sadly having different homerooms. But at least he got to share this with his favorite German buddy Germany. There he spotted China. He had a huge crush on her. To the point where he'd be called a simp. He did almost everything she said without much hesitation. ”China! Good morning!” He said as he approached her. China smiled before she spoke. ”Oh.. Hello America, One of my friends are transferring to this school you know?” America was a bit glad. She did always seem lonely. What about another girl like herself to keep her a bit of company? Maybe he could even become friends with them as well to push China into loving him! If she didn't already. ”Glad! What's her name?” He said in a cheery tone. China giggled under her breath. ”America, It isn't she. It is a he.” His face turned dark. A boy? Another dude? For real? Did this guy- ”Remember Russia?”

Instant shock hit his face. He remembered him. He hated him too. His existence mainly. His eye twitched in annoyance. ”Hahhh... How could I forgettt...?” He said in a low yet annoyed tone. China giggled. That brightened his mood at least a bit. ”Although, I have to show the guy around! Would you mind making notes for me and him as well so he can get a hint about what is going on in the class?” China said kindly, placing her hands behind his back. America didn't want to make anything for that bastard. But of course, he didn't reject. She smiled and made a heart with her hands as thank you before she walked off.

He let out a huge sigh and slouched over to look down. Before he could even complain it seemed the bell had rung. Great.   He went inside of the classroom and took his seat. Then class began. 

As time passes by, the American got bored. He began tapping his pen against the desk. The friend of his, Germany, Was getting fed up by it. But he tried his best to ignore it. Although that surely stopped when the door opened. The teacher also paused her lesson. ”Oh my! I almost forgot.” The teacher said, as cheery as ever. China took a step in, then There followed Russia. America smiled, But his face became dark as soon as he entered the room. ”Welcome. This is our new student! May you introduce yourself?” The teacher would say. Russia stood there and stared at the teacher for a moment.  Then he looked over to the rest of the class.  ”Hell..o?” He said in a confused tone. He wasn't the type to do introductions. So he looked at China for assistance.

America didn't like this. Not one bit. He thought Russia was probably flirting. With his crush! In front of the whole class! Russia really is an ass, America thought.   China walked over and whispered something in the teachers ear. ”Oh dear! My apologies, This is Russia! A transfer student. I'd like everyone to treat him with kindness and respect.” The teacher would then look directly at America. ”And.. NOT prank or bother them constantly to the point you fight.” America thought that was oddly directed towards him. Prank? No, He'll go far. Russia wasn't about to ruin things for him here. Not so soon.

Russia looked around as China guided him to a seat beside her, making someone move just so he could sit by her.  The teacher went back to teaching soon as. America felt a bit of jealousy grow within him. A frown stretched across his face. Without noticing himself, he was gripping his pen to hard, not even playing with it this time. Germany looked over to him. He tore a piece of paper out of his notebook and wrote an ”Are you okay?” to him. He carefully passed it to America, Keeping his eye on the teacher.  America stopped, looking to the note. He rested his head into his hand. He just started smiling, nodding. The German  male sighed. He couldn't help him with how he felt now. Because when his friend would smile like that. It meant he was up to no good.

((AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thank you for the wait. I also apologize for this seemingly short chapter. I didn't want to get to much into it since uhhh,, You know how stories work.)

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