When I got home, my mom was cleaning up in the kitchen but she had two plates set out for us whenever we got home.

"Hi honey, how was work?"

"It was good."

"Clara is staying later?"

"Yeah, she will be home soon."

I set my stuff down on the couch and then went to go sit at the counter. I always wait for Clara so we can eat together. I try to do everything with her if I can.



"I...uh...I was thinking about Clara..."

"What about her? If you're worried about what I think, you shouldn't, you know I love her."

"No it's not that. I know you love her...I...I do too...a lot."

My mom smiled but it feels like she knew all along.

"Well...what are you going to do about that?"

"Oh...um...well like...I want to move things forward with us...like..."

I don't know why it's so hard for me to say that one word, I feel so nervous. As I struggled with what I wanted to say, my mom took out a small box and pushed it across the counter to me.

"What is this", I asked.

"Open it."

I did, it was a ring.

"This is...this is yours. Why are you giving this to me?"

"I don't need it anymore Dimitri. It has better use, it will look beautiful on her. Your dad told me before he passed that I don't need to keep it forever, I should either pawn it off or give it to one of you guys. I got so mad he wanted me to pawn it, I should have known he was joking. Give it to her and make her your wife. Prométeme que la amarás, ¿está bien, mijo?"

"Si. I promise I'll love her always mom."

As I looked at the ring, I see this as a good sign, a sign that we are on the right path. I want to have that loving relationship as my parents did, I can see that with Clara.

"Now...time to go pawn this", I joked.

My mom reached across the counter to try and take back the ring but I swiped it away faster than she could move.


I laughed and then went around the counter to her. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders to hug her.

"Ya liublyoo tibya mama."

I told her I love her in Russian.

"Ya tozhe tibya libulyoo mijo but don't joke with me, I'm tired."

I gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"Go sleep. I'm going to wait for Clara."

"You two don't stay up long."

"We won't."

She went off to bed and I went into the living room to watch T.V as I wait for Clara.

I didn't have to wait long. I quickly pocketed the ring and then stood up to greet her.

"Food is waiting for you", I said.

"Good because I'm so hungry."

We went to the counter to eat dinner.



"Have you ever wanted a place of your own", I asked.

Rx: ClaraKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat