"The Secret King & The Secret Princess" (N & Crystal)

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(A/N): In Pokemon BW, I Love N, He is such a great, loving, brave and very caring person towards to Pokemon and That's what I love about Him.

So Why Not Make A Little Short Story about Him.


Ash's POV:

It was very beautiful valley with an open field of grass, Cilan was making Lunch for Us.

Me, Iris, N and Crystal was waiting patiently until I saw N stand Up.

"N? What's Up?" I Asked

"I...I'm just going for a walk" Said N

"Would You like to have Someone to go with You?" Asked Iris

"Now, Now, I think N rather like to go alone" Said Cilan

"Thank You but I usually go walks alone but it is nice to have Someone to keep Me company" Said N and-

"I would like to come along with Y-You..." Said Crystal.

Me, Iris and Cilan looked at Crystal and She looked very shy.

N chuckled Softly.

"Alright, You can come along" Said N and We looked at Him and We looked at Crystal.

"Will be that alright?" Asked N

Crystal nodded Her Head.

"Alright" Said N.


(Skip Time)

(On N & Crystal's Walk)

No one's POV:

"We never really had a chance to get to know each other, Crystal, You are very interesting young one" Said N

Crystal looked at N.

"I-I am?" I Asked

N smiled.

"Yes, Of Course" Said N.

"You obviously have a special power of Your own, You were given a gift, A Gift that Some must've thought that You were a...Secret Weapon" Said N

Crystal gasped and N realized it.

"I'm very sorry that I startled You for a minute, I didn't meant it as bad news, Maybe It is for Good News" Said N

Both N and Crystal kept on walking and They saw a lake.

"Wanna Rest here, It is very peaceful" Said N

"Okay" Said Crystal.

The Two of Them sit down on grass in front of The Lake and They Both watched The Beautiful Water in The lake.

"So...What do You mean about "Secret Weapon" N?" Crystal Asked

"Oh...Well...I hated When People just use Pokemon as...weapon...but with Children being Secret Weapon? Unbelievable..." Said N

"I understand that You have very special Bionic Powers, I can tell by looking into Yourself, You are very powerful but You got it from Your Mother and Father" Said N

Crystal gasped.

"Y-You know Both My Momma and Daddy?" Asked Crystal

"I've met Them a few times...They were very wonderful, They were wonderful to People, Wonderful to Children and Pokemon, Especially Their Own" Said N

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