Chapter 9

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Bella's pov

As I was grabbed by the back of the neck I heard Bill say oh Bella you really shouldn't have did that and I said yeah well he left me no choice I will not become his once again no goddamn fucking way and then I heard Eric say oh yes you will and then he ran over to me and grabbed my neck as Bill let go.

Then I said no I won't I want to be free please Eric why can't you let me be and Eric said because my dear daughter you are mine and I said I'm not your fucking daughter and Eric said oh yes you are and then he did his maker face and I gasped and said no Eric please don't I'll behave myself I promise please don't command me.

As I said that Eric said oh Bella you don't behave yourself that's the point and without my commands you will become out of control again just like before and I said no no I won't I swear I'll stop feeding on humans I'll drink tru blood please Eric give me a chance and Eric said no me and Bill already did give you a chance and you blew it.

Then I said please give me another just one more and Bill said no Bella no more chance Eric is your maker and he needs to take charge yet again and I gasped and started trying to get out of Eric's grip on my neck but I couldn't and so then Eric said stop fighting it Bella because now that I have you I'm never letting go.

As soon as he said that I got really scared and I said what do you mean by that and Eric said well I have a little neck chain in my basement just for you to keep you under control and I screamed NO I WON'T LET YOU and Eric said you won't have a choice my dear and I said as I started crying blood tears yet again please don't.

Then Eric said Bill is king and I listen to him not you and I said don't please I can't become like I was before I just can't and Eric said well then you must behave for me to spare you and then Eric looked into my eyes and said as your maker I command you to follow my every instruction and to listen to my every command and to never disobey me and to always call me dad and to never feed without my day so do you understand me.

So then as he said those things I settled down and I stopped crying and I said yes I understand and Eric said good girl and then he let go of my neck and set me onto the ground and he looked at me and said don't move and I said yes dad and then Eric smiled and walked over to Bill and then him and Bella started talking to each other and they kept looking over to me and when they were down talking Eric walked over to me.

Then when Eric walked over to me he looked at me and said let's go Bella we need to get back to fangtasia and I said ok dad and so then dad took my hand and we both ran out of Bill's house and we ran to fangtasia were I would love the rest of my life as a prisoner with no way of escape since I was under Eric's command once again.

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