★My Timid Dork - Karlnap

Start from the beginning

"Uh, yes please" I say softly and he nods before turning more to Punz.

"Do you have cola or Mountain Dew?" Punz asks and Karl nods with a shrug.

Soon he returns with two cold monsters and a cold cola for Punz. I happily snack, flicking through the channels until a shiver goes down my spine.

"Karllll.. I'm cold, cwuddles" I whine out, purposely softening my voice.

"C'mere yah big baby" Karl says softly, moving so I can cuddle in under his arm. "Blanket?" Karl offers and I nod slowly.

We cuddle up together, warming up as Karl chats with his mates and I nibble on the bag of Takis. I occasionally suck on the apple sauce pouch, making sure to get every last part out.

"He's really enjoying that apple sauce" Chandler says softly and my cheeks flush at the sudden attention.

"It's his comfort food, I always have so many pouches because he doesn't like the cups" Karl says softly as he ruffles my hair. "My timid panda, so cute" Karl says softly before pressing a few short kisses to the side of my head.

"Mm.. I love you" I mumble softly and he smiles fondly.

"I love you too dork" Karl says softly and I smile shyly as I go back to getting the apple sauce from the pouch.

"I'm so third wheeling tonight!" Punz complains, sitting on his Nintendo switch besides me.

"Yup, I'm not sorry either" I say with a soft giggle.

"My cute boy.. hmm, wanna pamper you with kisses all evening" Karl mumbles softly and I lean up to peck his lips.

He gently pecks my cheek a few times before moving up to ruffle my hair with a soft laugh. He places soft kissing in my hair line before moving to my neck. I giggle, feeling his breath tickle against my skin.

"My head's a little fuzzy so keep kisses non sexual.. just in case I do slip.." I mumble out and Karl harms, gently hugging my waist closer.

"Okay bubs, you'll let me know if do and when you slip right?" He asks and I nod.

"Yeah.. will do.. gonna try stay big though cause we got streams but I'll regress once we're done with them, promise" I say softly and he nods.

"Alright, my good boy huh? Always being so honest with me" Karl says and I nod slowly.

"Can we do simple streams though? Nothing that will get me too stressed or upset?" I ask softly and Karl nods with a short hum.

"Of course, we can look at the list of ideas and decide on something short and easy" Karl says and I nod, leaning against him.

"Will the bracelet one not pass then?" Punz asks, sitting up and I shake my head.

"The beads will make me slip real quick. I love creative things when I'm small so making a bracelet for Karl with pretty beads is a fast track to my regression" I say, tapping my feet against the couch.

"Sure you're not almost there?" Karl asks and I shrug.

"I'm.. like a fuzzy eight. It's gonna drop lower with time. Could we react to something on stream? Not much talking" I ask and Karl nods.

"Sure, sounds like a plan. I'm going to go get some of your toys out okay, you wanna pick a show?" Karl offers, holding the TV remote out to me.

I nod, taking it and flicking through prerecorded shows. I settle on Miraculous Ladybug. It's a good show for my older age.

"Alright Sappy. I've brought you down a puzzle, your train set and your colouring set" Karl says as he walks in carrying a basket of stuff.

"M'kay. I put ladybug on!" I exclaim happily and Karl hums.

"Ah, such a good cartoon. I'll leave your toys here for when you want them and I'll put juice in your cup" Karl says softly before going off to the kitchen.

"So.. Sapnap, what's your favourite show?" Chandler asks and I shrug.

"Like Pokémon. Karl watches wif me" I explain softly and he nods.

"Yeah? Karl and I tend to watch animé together" Chandler says and I hum.

"We do when I'm bigger.. sometimes it's not okay for my age" I say softly, gently pulling at my jeans that feel restricting and gross.

"Wanna run up and change bud?" Karl asks, placing a cup with a straw down on the table. The straw has a cute panda straw thing. It's like a little charm.

"Mhm! Jeans are icky, I have one of da's hoodies?" I ask softly and Karl nods.

"Sure bud, you go up and pick out something cozier, I'll find out a nice cozy sweatshirt for you" Karl says and I hum before getting up and heading to the stairs.

I hear Punz begin to talk with Jimmy and the other two as Karl trails behind me. We head up and I grab some comfy clothes from my room as Karl goes to his to grab a jumper.


Karl's pov

"Chat, thank you for joining us both tonight. Sapnap must be really tuckered out to fall asleep on stream. An adorable little thing though" I say softly, gently moving some of his hair from his forehead as his hat has slid upwards in his sleep.

I yawn softly, stretching out before waving to the camera and ending the stream with a small smile. I frown softly, knowing I'll have to wake Sapnap so he can move to bed.

Good thing I had him change in to softer, comfier clothes earlier. That's one less thing to worry about now.

"Hey sweetheart.. c'mon, let's go off to bed now" I say softly, gently waking him up.

Sapnap whines, eyes opening a little to look up at me.

"Hi firefly. Let's go to bed now" I say softly and he whines.

"S'eep wif ou" Sapnap mumbles, his thumb going in to his mouth.

"Okay, please don't suck your thumb sweetheart. I'll find your paci and panda and you can go get comfy in my bed" I say softly and Sapnap nods before removing his thumb and uncurling from his position in the chair.

I lead him to my room and turn the lights on, letting Sapnap head in and climb into bed. I go to his room and grab his plushie and pacifier.

I also grab the night light before going back to my room. I plug the nightlight in for Sapnap near my bed and tuck him in with his pacifier and plushie. He snuggles up and I quickly change before switching the lights out and getting in to bed with him.

Sapnap cuddles up to me and I whisper a soft good night to the sweet boy before letting my eyes close. I fall asleep rather quickly, it's always been something I could do.

I'm very happy to have Sapnap back with me for a while.


Word count - 1687

Hello cubs, I hope you all enjoyed this one shot and feel free to leave any requests! Have a lovely day or night and make sure to look after yourselves. <3

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