Chapter thirty-nine - We need a break

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I went to buy some food and drinks. I'm thinking to make it like a little date, so maybe Lexi can calm down a little and forget about all the problems.

When I arrived I saw her under the tree. Lexi was looking at her phone, but when she noticed me, she left it. I get everything and sit next to her.

- For what is all that? Didn't you just want to talk with me?

- Yes, but since it'll be a long conversation, I thought that some food will be good.

We ate peacefully in the next ten minutes. None of us said a single word. I have no idea where to start. I don't want her to feel guilty, but at the same time, I want to resolve the problem.

- So... do you like the food? I get only things which I know that you'll like.

- It's good. For what do you want to talk with me? I don't have a whole day, so you better start talking right now.

- I wanted to talk about us. I am tired of us arguing all the time. And I don't like it.

- Well this is not my fault. If you were listening to me more, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

- I am not putting the blame on you. Just since it has passed one month since my accident, I think that you calm down and stop worrying that much for me. I am fine.

- All I wanted is to help you. Is it so hard for you to understand it?

- I understand it, but sometimes you went too far. I mean you barely let me go somewhere.

- I thought that you don't want to put the blame on me, but I guess this is what you are doing now.

- See, that's what I was talking about. We argue for everything. Even for the smallest things. I don't want that. I want us to be like before. I want the old Lexi.

- Now you are saying that you don't like me. Then don't be with me. I never forced you to do it.

- I didn't say that. I just don't like when we argue.

Lexi didn't say anything. Great, we are arguing again. The last thing which I wanted to happen. I guess this is our way to talk. I hate it. Is it so hard for us to have a normal conversation? I swear before it was way easier. Even when we weren't talking it wasn't that awkward.

- Why are you so quiet? Won't you say something? Lexi, we need to talk if we want to resolve our problems.

- Our problems? I don't have problems. It's only you. You are imagining things and putting the blame on me. But it's ok, I get used to it. It's not your first time.

- Seriously? Now you are blaming me? Lexi, why don't you talk normally with me? If there is a problem, you know you can tell me. I will listen to you.

- I am talking normally with you. The fact that you can understand me is not my problem.

- Why do you have to be like that? Where did the funny and happy Lexi go? If you see her, tell her that I miss her, that she was my favorite of all.

- Are you saying that you hate me now?

- See! You are making hasty conclusions from everything that I say. I don't hate you. Just want the old you. Who wasn't obsessed with taking care of me.

- I understand. If you didn't want to be with me, you could've said it at the beginning.

I can't continue like that. She is driving me crazy and angry. I don't want to get mad, but if she continues like that, I may become. Why it's so hard for her to understand me? I don't what how to explain it better. All I want is to make up the things. How to say it more clearly? I don't know what to do anymore. If we don't understand each other, I'll give up and leave her to do what she wants.

- I can't continue like that anymore. I'm tired to argue with you all the time. All I want is to make up the things, but I don't think that it's possible. And you are not helping me.

- You said it, not me. But if that's what you feel.

- Lexi, I love you so much, but lately, you changed. Can't we just forget it and leave it like that? Let's go somewhere together.

- You are right. We can't understand each other. The only thing that we do is to argue. We can't even talk normally anymore.

- What are you trying to say? I don't understand you.

- I am saying that since we can't talk like how we used to, maybe we need a break. I think that will be good for us. I see that we both need it.

- Lexi, I don't want us to break up. Please, can't we do something else? I don't want to lose you. I love you.

- I love you too, but we can't continue like that. I know that you won't agree with me, but at least try to understand me. I don't want it either, but we really need to stay apart for a while.

- Please, don't do it. We can work the things between us. But please, don't do it. I know that you don't want it. Neither me.

- I think that this is the best decision for now. I'll leave you to rest. When I feel ready, I'll call you.

- Wait! You can't leave just like that. - I said and kissed her

- I love you Hunter and I always will. Goodbye. - she said and left

Will I cry? No, I am a boy. But I won't hide that it hurts. A lot. I have never imagined that we won't be together. The good thing is that we didn't break up. The bad is that things didn't go as planned. They even went worse. Maybe she is right. We need a break. I'm not saying that it's the best decision, but for now, it's the only thing that we can do. I love you Lexi and I always will. 

Can the bad girl change?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن