
10 minutes later, Xinyi arrived entering the practice room with Shu Chun. The both of them had hit it off quite well and Xinyi was happy to be able to have a friend this early. Entering the practice room, Xinyi paused feeling nervous as she looked at all the stares the other trainee where giving her. Was it because of yesterday's charade? Everytime she remembered the way her cousin had carried her inside, she felt like killing him even the more.

"Why are they staring?" Xinyi whispered asking Shu Chun.

"Because, maybe it's because of yesterday. Having seen the way the CEO carried you, maybe they are just wondering. Let's go and sit." Shu Chun said dragging Xinyi to find a corner to sit.

Xinyi sat down trying to calm her nerves. It was normal. Even in high school, if a normal girl was seen dating a popular guy, that would earn her all sort of stares. Keeping her eye on the big mirror in front of her, Xinyi glanced at herself feeling proud of her body. Even though she was sitting down, she still looked good in what she was wearing.

Four girls got up heading towards Xinyi when the door opened and Jianhong arrived. He had arrived wearing a white long sleeve and a black track suit trouser with his cap facing backwards.

"Good morning ladies." Jianhong said walking into the practice room as he checked his watch.

Luckily, he was on time.

"Good morning Senior." The girls said returning the greeting with enthusiasm.

Meanwhile, Xinyi had paced out watching Jianhong as he smiled back at the trainees. His outfit had given it the bad boy vibes and she loved it. Sighing to herself, Xinyi wondered about the rest members of Winter Night. Were they in the building? What exactly could they be wearing? Maybe they had dressed the same way as Jianhong being that they were a team.

Few minutes after Jianhong arrived, the door opened wide and the staffs started arriving. What exactly the future held today, she had no idea.

"First, roll call." Mrs Liping said as she walked round with her book.

All twenty trainees had lined up in 5 rows and 4 columns according to their years as trainees. The first row contained the most experienced trainees while the last row contained the least experienced trainees.

"He looks so handsome." Xinyi said whispering as she gazed at Jianhong who was stretching at a corner.

The white shirt he had worn looked big on the outside but somehow it had managed to fit him at the sleeves giving the outfit a unique look to it.

"Tang Xinyi." Mrs Liping said calling her name.

"Yes! I mean present, Mrs Liping." Xinyi said correcting herself.

She had been too busy gazing at Jianhong that she had paced out. Luckily, no one had spotted her. Being the class weakling wasn't something she wanted for herself. Glancing round the trainees that stood in front of her, Xinyi sighed after failing to guess who was the oldest. Seems like she was going to have to ask Shu Chun later.

Few minutes after the roll call, Mrs Liping walked back entering the practice room. Silence enveloped the room as everyone looked at her shocked because of her figure. Mrs Liping had very tiny waist and plus she didn't have stretch marks.

"Isn't she married?" A girl asked.

"She is even a mother of five. You don't believe me, right?" Xinyi heard other girls talk among themselves.

"Okay. Look carefully." Mrs Liping said.

The music started and Xinyi stood shaking her hand as she waited for Mrs Liping to start dancing. Reality was just dawning on her. In the past, she hadn't taken any professional dance lessons and yet, she was here today in a studio. Was she going to be a vocalist or a rapper? She wasn't sure.

Mrs Liping started moving her body slowly to allow the trainees to be able to learn which made Xinyi feel even more grateful. Meanwhile, Jianhong sat down observing the trainees. Actually his main duty here was to pick the diamonds from the these trainees. His eyes suddenly darted to Xinyi catching her as she removed her eyes from his quickly.

"Did you understand that?" Mrs Liping asked watching through the mirror while the girls answered.

Xinyi gazed at the mirror trying to copy what Mrs Liping was doing when once again her eyes met with Jianhong. Quickly removing it, Xinyi bent her head down closing her eyes. Was she doing badly?

"Xinyi, did you get that?" Xinyi heard Mrs Liping ask making her raise her head to meet thousands of stares through the mirror.

"Yes, Mrs Liping." Xinyi said feeling embarrassed.

"Let me know if you didn't get what I did." Mrs Liping said and Xinyi nodded.

Special treatment. Not that she didn't like it, she had loved getting all the attention when she was little. It's just that she didn't want her idol to think she was here because of the incident that he saw.

"That's it. Now, we will try it together. The most important thing when dancing on stage is to be in sync with your fellow members even when you can't see them. We will continue practicing until all of you are able to do it well even in the dark." Mrs Liping said.

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