Set me on fire

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"Mat, take good care of yourself. We are off to the airport. We will call as soon as we arrive in Belgium. We love you, sweetheart." Mom spoke as I heard the gigantic door slam close.

"Yipee. This is awesome. You guys take care of yourselves and worry less about me. I'm doing just great. This would be the best holiday without you guys in 6years and I mean it's a piece of glorious news. Yipee."I say having the broadest smile on my face. Jumping on my bed was no longer my thing since I got into college but hey I'm doing it and it feels so right.

"Enough of the excitement, I need to get ready for Ferdinand. He'll be arriving at the airport anytime from now. I need to be smoky hot for my dragon is unleashed. What would this damsel have on?". I spit out nodding my way to my wardrobe.

I can't enjoy this awesome day without some hits in the background cause this girl right here is on fire. The perfect song for the moment sweeps across my mind. Stay by Beyonce and Edshearn. I'm a fan of good music and I got them in different categories. You could drive through any emotion at any time when you choose from my playlist.

I sing along while searching my wardrobe for a soothing outfit for my lover. I see sets of lingerie I bought specially for us. They had his favorite colors; red and white. I usually look like Santa's girlfriend. I remember the first time I ever had to wear them. That night was crazy. We had sex right under my parents' noses and most times we question ourselves how that was even possible. Well, dont look at me like that. I was having fun with my best cousin, releasing the best moans and screams and mom and dad were busy chit-chatting about their business empire or maybe doing the same so they couldn't tell where the sound hit from. Such pity. We took the whole of their carelessness and made the best out of it.

Still glancing through my set of wears, I find a spectacular piece of clothing that is best for the occasion. It is a gown. Red. Short. Curvy. And strapless. Ferdinand never liked the strap thing not even in bras. He preferred me without bras. He says it was sexy, comforting, and less stressful. So I bought the idea and stopped using bras except on official meetings with mom and dad at the Empire.

I almost left the house one day without it with mom to the grocery store. I was already at the door when mom noticed my nipples. Mhen, the stare was enough to put my brain back to its proper place. My mom is a drama queen. Though she's a party freak, she's always so decent. I guess that's why dad choose her.

Red short strapless gown with white lingerie would still make me Santa's girl and I like it. Santa would soon be home, I gotta watch out.

I have found what I should wear so I jump right into the shower. This time the song that plays gives me twitches. At my worst by Pink Sweat and Kehlani. I sit in my bathtub which Raliza had made for me, just how I like it. It's warm water with milk and red roses sprinkled inside. My body wash is already mixed in the bathtub so I sink into the water, with a satisfying smile.

I drift to sleep as I daydream about all the crazy stuff we were going to do together. I smile deeply and sigh as I tuck my whole body inside the tub and I zone out.

I am out of this planet that I don't hear footsteps approaching my room. Swings my door open. I hear nothing except a tap on the tub.

I scare out of the water only to see a beautiful, annoying Raliza. She's smiling and holding the landline.

"What the fuck are you doing here? I ask with a frown on my face
" It's your mom and dad ma'am. I'm sorry to disturb your bath ma'am but they say it's important that they speak with you. She said in her nice British accent
"Let me have that."
She hands it over and turns to leave but turns back again
"Would you love to have your coffee now?"
"Get out, Raliza. Thank you."

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