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Hey loves i know i said i would be posting two Sundays ago but I ended up being really busy basically the whole week and then right now I'm quarantined because my family has covid-19 so yeah but i hope to be posting a lot anyways lets go and hope you enjoy this chapter though it might be a bit short!


Your POV

My current task is to raise my level S-rank but im like realllllllly sore i haven't done so much physical work in a while and that dungeon made me sore as hell. "Y/n!" Kira had yelled from her room. "WHAT!" i yelled back at her. "CAN YOU GET ME A GLASS OF WATER AND ADVIL!" "I'll get you water i don't think we have any medicine yet so we'll go out and get some later when you feel better!" ( I have no clue what you use to get rid of a hangover i don't drink so don't judge me pls.) "UGHHHH fine!" I begrudgingly got up and walked to the kitchen although the i was very comfortable in the position i was lying in. I filled up a water bottle of water and looked if we had any medicine which i was right we don't have any walked to Kira's room. "Here" she rolled over very lazily and took it from my hands. "Thank you. Can you also close the blinds?" I walked over and closed the blinds. After i had left her room i started looking at my skills i really wanted to try and using my new skill "Touch of the Gatemaster" i reread the the requirements and imagined that i was in my living room. A second later it felt like my stomach dropped and i ended up in the living room. Then i ran to the bathroom to throw up. "I'm going to have to get used to that." I muttered to myself as i walked out of the bathroom.

 "So you've finally got your personal skill impressive i didn't expect you to get it this early on." A male voice came from behind you making you jump. You turned around to be met with the god that had brought you to this world his gold eyes shone in the dark making that the only thing she was able to see due to the lights be off for Kira's sake. "Oh! He-hello, so um what did you need?" "Nothing really i just came for a check up i also saw that you me the protagonist this early on too!"  He didn't show any emotions on his face maybe a little look of mischief but other than that nothing. " I did though I didn't do it on purpose it just sort of happened on accident." "I know i saw. I had noticed that Kira had gotten drunk and decided i would make sure nothing happened to you." I guess that made some sense but it was kinda creepy how he could just sense it. " I see if that all i would like to get ready for my day" i really hoped he would get my VERY obvious hint for him to leave. "Well then I'll be taking my leave. Goodbye for now girl i will check in later!"   This time he smiled but it wasn't one of happiness more so of evil intentions but i wasn't going to worry myself with it. 

"Hey Kira! You feeling any better!?" I asked it had been 3 hours since i gave her the water. " yeah I'm feeling better let me just let me get dressed." "K!" I was a little happy because i got to finally go out and see Korea. Even though I've seen pictures of Korea, its not the same. "K I'm ready."

Time Skip

"Wow~! Korea's so pretty!" Kira gaped "I know right! But we should hurry and get to the pharmacy." "Right!" Even though her hangover was really bad it went away fast so i think it's part of the fact that she's a healer. "It says we can take a right over there!" We continued to walk to the pharmacy we picked one pretty far away so we could walk around Korea. 

"I see it. Over there!" Kira told as she pointed to a building with a big Red Cross on it. "Ok! Lets hurry. We walked into the pharmacy and I started looking for medicine while Kira was getting snacks for us. A little while later we had gotten all we needed and we were ready to head home. At least that what i thought as we were walking around we saw Choi jong-in the Guild master of the the Hunters Guild. Even though Kira didn't read much of the series she basically fell in love with him so of course she asked him for a picture and an autograph. " U-uh excuse me sir could i have your picture and an autograph your really cool to me!" Kira asked " Of course you can! May i know your name by the way you seem quite strong i would be quite happy if you joined my guild." I could see Kira go beet red " We-well i wouldn't mind as long as my friend could join with me!" She stuttered out. " Oh, of course she can come we could always some more members come by the guild tomorrow!" He told. "Ok we'll be there!"


Hello Loves and thank you for reading i know this chapter was that good but i plan to update to morrow! Bye Loves!

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