Dance the Night Away

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{A/N: The dance above^^^^^^^^ is the dance that Miki and Makoto do}
Miki pulled her laptop from her dance bag, "My aunt was in Australia a few years ago and went to watch this dance show, I saw one of the dances on YouTube and thought it was really good" Makoto looked at the screen and saw two people dancing. A man with piercings and long hair tied up in a bun, and a woman with blonde hair coming just past her shoulders. They were a very talented dancing duo and Makoto was wondering how he would be able to do it. As the clip continued, the man sat down and rolled backwards into a handstand. That got him worried. The rest of the dance was all lifts, flowing movment and their faces coming very close together.

The dance ended with the couple almost kissing and it appeared that the male was kissing down the girls neck. When the clip finished Miki smiled up at a blushing Makoto, "If you don't like the dance...I can choreograph a new one"

"N-no!" Makoto sort of blurted out, "I love it. I'm just kinda worried about some of the lifts and that... Handstand thingie" that was a lie.nwell, not fully, it was probably 75% lie. He was mostly worried about how close they would come to kissing and how much he would be touching Miki's body. Miki giggled at Makoto's thoughts on the dance. She knew that, with practice, he would be able to do it.


They went over the video several more times and Mikizaki was busy taking down notes on a peice of paper. Makoto thought it was adorable how she tilted her head and bit the end of her pen when she thought long and hard on something. The rest of the dancers practiced hard on their dances. Glancing over, Makoto noticed that Haru was pretty good at hip-hop and that Nagisa was enjoying getting a lap dance from Karu. His focus snapped back to Miki when she started laughing.

"What?" he chuckled, a light blush rising to his cheeks.

"I just thought about what you're going to look like in the costume your gonna be wearing, look" The dancer on screen was wearing long white pants and a somewhat transparent white shirt that was unbuttoned all the way. It was quite a revealing outfit, "We have to perform our routine at the Iwatobi VS Samezuka Talent Contest. It's in two months so we have a while to perfect the dance"

This was news to Makoto. He would have to do this dance, almost shirtless, almost kissing and very touching dance infront of, not only all of his school, but all of Rin's school too! He saw Rin often and now he would have to put up with Rin's tormenting even more, " Do I have to have that kind of shirt? It's kinda revealing..." A pink blush spread across his face once again.

"No, we can have the shirt half or fully buttoned up, if that makes you feel better," now it was Miki's turn to blush, "but I'd get more grip if you were shirtless... For the lifts and stuff" Makoto kinda felt bad for mentioning the fact that his upper body would be on display. He had already been fully shirtless in Gou's horrible attampt to get more people to join the swim club, she thought that his 'Amazing back muscles' would draw in more people,, but they didn't.

Miki shook her shoulders and stood up, "Well, that's enough time wasting! Let's stretch and then me can start working on some of this dance. I wanna get through 30 seconds of choreography today"

By the time they finished stretching, everyone else had left. It was 7:30pm and they were supposed to have left an hour ago, "Oh... Shit" Miki breathed, looking at her watch." We wasted all our time... Sorry, Mako-chan" she frowned and picked up her bag, "We should go..." She started walking out the door but Makoto stopped her.

"Wait, Miki!" She turned to face hime.


"Could I... Um" he scratched the back of his head, blushing, "Could I walk you home? I mean... It's getting dark and I don't want you to to walk alone"

Miki screamed internally, "Sure thing. I don't live far away" They walked out of the studio and out of the school. The streets were dimly lit and the sound of the ocean made for a peacful ambiance. They reached Miki's house quickly and stood at her door, under one light bulb.

"Thanks for showing me the dance, Miki-chan" Makoto smiled and gazed into Mikizaki's emeraeld eyes.

"Don't mention it..." She looked at her front door. All the lights were off inside... SHIT! Tashi was out with the basketball team and wouldn't be back until tomorrow! "Oh no... I forgot that Onii-chan won't be back until the morning" She bit her lip and looked at Makoto."Would you mind... I don't know.... Staying the night?"

"O-okay" Makoto felt his face go red and he couldn't help but smile. He'd never stayed over at a girls house, especially a girl he had a crush on.

Miki unlocked the front door and turned on some lights. She led Makoto inside and pulled a note from the fridge.

*Dear Mikizaki. I cooked some green curry and left it in the fridge. There's enough for two incase you want a friend over. Love Tashiama. P.S: Kisumi say 'Hi! Your breasts are really comfortable' Dude needs to chill...*

Just like he said, Tashi had left curry in the fridge, "Do you like green curry? My brother cooked it"

"Yeah, it's actually my favorite" he smiled and sat down at the kitchen island. Miki heated up the food and they ate in silence. When they finished, Miki put the dishes in the sink and the two sat down on Miki's bed.

"You can crash on the couch later if you want, Tashi never coeans his room so you don't want to sleep there," she tossed a large shirt from a pile of clean laundry, "this is Tashi's... You can wear it to bed" She then pulled out her laptop again and turned it on. "It's only 8 o'clock... Do you wannna watcha movie with me?"

Makoto Smiled and nodded, "Sure thing, it sounds nice"

After a few minutes of scrolling through illegaly downloaded movies, the pair decided on 100 Ways to Die in the West. It was a good movie, very funny. Miki started leaning into Makoto's chest and nuzzled into him. Makoto placed his arm around Miki's waist and pulled her close. They stayed like that for a while, snuggled into one another. Miki looked up at the large boy she was leaning one. His lips curled up into a smile that may just cure cancer. He noticed her staring and looked down at her.

Without a waring Makoto began to lean down, he captured Miki's lips in a soft, slow kiss. Miki kissed back as Makoto deepened the kiss slightly, she wrapped her arms around neck and he lifted her so she was straddling his hips. Miki pulled away, lips red and puffy, "Makoto.... That was my first kiss, and it was with you.... Does this mean you like me?"

"No," Makoto shook his head, "It means I love you"

{A/N: BOOM! That just happened! The whole 'stay the night' thing was ment t be in the next chapter but I wanted to do it now! Please tell me what you link about this story by commenting! I like to hear you opinions.}

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2015 ⏰

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