Swimmers to Dancers

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It had been about a month after Mikizaki's little 'incident' and her arm had nearly healed completely. A few small scars peppered her wrist, but they were fading faster than expected. But dance wasn't getting any better. Yukima had been really tough on Miki, giving her the hardest moves and punishing her when she didn't do the complicated sequences correctly.

Kou, on the other hand, had been doing great. She had gotten the swim clubs dance lesson approved by the principal, saying that it would 'get the boys outside their comfort zone'. The date for their lesson had been set for Thursday, which was today.

"Ok, girls!" Yuki screeched across the studio, "For the next few months, the swim club will be working on a duet with you guys. The teams manager, Matsuoka Gou, will pare some of you up with a swimmer" Gou entered, followed by the four boys that Miki was used to seeing.

The dancers immediately stared at the four boys that entered the room. Yukima pranced up to Rei and kissed him on the lips, showing everyone that he was hers. Nagisa pranced around the room giggling like the adorable shota that he was. Haruka's face was blank as he started mumbling something about water under his breath. Then there was Makoto, he went over and sat next to Miki in a random corrner.

"You look upset" his voice surprised Miki.

"I'm fine... Just a bit tired, Yuki-kun gave me very fast choreography and I couldn't keep up" She raked a hand through her sweaty hair and wiped it on her sports bra, "So what about you, Kou managed to get you guys a dance lesson. Didn't think you'd be one to do it"

Makoto's cheeks and ears went red, "I... Um, I had a reason to do it..." He look genuinely nervous.

"What reason?"

"I got to spend time with you" He flashed Miki a sweet smile and pinched her cheek. That little gesture made Miki's face catch fire (not literally, of course) and she hid her face in her hands.

"Hey, little miss 'Time-Waster', get off your lazy ass and listen to Miss Gou!" Yuki yelled at Miki before walking up to the front of the group, "Now, Gou will appoint some of you with a dancer, per to my recommendations of who the best dancers are. But I get Rei... No one else does" Nagisa frowned and folded his arms, pouting cutely.

Gou skipped up to Yukima and pulled a peice of paper from her bra, "Ok, I paired you guys up with the swimmers that would fit your dance style..." She looked around at all the eager faces, "Nanase Haruka... Your paired up with... Sio Rimako" Haru's blue eyes gazed over to the hip-hop dancer and he smiled slightly, "Ryugazaki Rei is paired up with Natzama Yukima, obviously" they were too busy sucking each others faces to notice, "Hazuki Nagisa... Your paired up with... Madoka and Karu, since they refused to be seperated" Nagisa skipped up to the pair and was pulled into a hug, "That leaves Tachibana Makoto... Your paired up with..." Kou smiled, "Hureni Mikizaki"

The two just blushed and looked away from each other. The others seemed to realize that that selection was done on purpose. Makoto cleared his throat and fought down his blush, "Well... What dance style are we going to do?"

Miki looked up at him, "Huh? Oh, right... Well, lets just evaluate what style would be easiest," Miki thought for a moment, "Well... I don't think your much of a hip-hop kinda guy.... I can't picture you doing ballet, although you would look sexy in tights" Miki didn't say that last part, "Your large build wouldn't be suited to jazz... Are you skilled in acrobatics?"

"Not really"

"Then maybe we could try contemporary! Kou told me that you're really strong and we could do cool lifts and stuff!" Makoto smiled as Miki rambled on. Her eyes seemed brighter when she talked about dancing with him, it was a brightness that he missed seeing in her forest-green eyes.

"Sounds good... Do you have any dance in mind?" Miki looked around the room, as if she was searching for inspiration.

Her eyes lit up again, "I know what we can do!" She threw her arms around Makoto, "but it won't be easy"

"I'll try"

{A/N: Please guys! I feel like no one likes this book. I really try my hardest and it feels like I'm writing this for ghosts! If you hate my book just say so and I'll delete it! Just tell me what you think.... I love writing this and have big ideas for it but I want people to see my ideas 😓}

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