He let out a breathless chuckle, finally looking up from her hand. Another chuckle followed soon after, until the man was having a full menacing cackling session. The right corner of Cecilia's mouth twisted upward, she was smirking.

"What is it, brother?" Caius asked. His voice was snappy and impatient and he pushed himself straight from the chair. "Did they succeed or not?"

"Patience," Marcus said slowly. With his hand, he waved at Caius, who didn't appear to appreciate the gesture as his scowl deepened even further.

"Oh, my," Aro said, regaining his composture. He stared at Cecilia as if he had never seen something so beautiful and precious. He reached out, but then drew his hands back as if his touch would shatter her. "Oh, my."

It took Caius too long. "Brother."

Aro turned around, facing his brothers with the cruellest and happiest smile in the world. Clapping his hands together, he let out the last chuckle. "Brothers, I tell you, we have the world at our feet."

"Please enlighten us."

"Our very own dear and beloved Cecilia has a gift," Aro said. He pointed with his hand to her frame, radiating with glee from head to toe. "I cannot do it justice with simply explaining it, my words will fall short. So, I'll demonstrate it. Jane, step forward please."

The blonde girl did just that. Though she would never not obey the direct order of her master, Cecilia could recognize the hint of cautiousness in the expression on her face. She couldn't blame her.

Aro turned back to Cecilia. "Now make her forget I said that."

Cecilia concentrated her energy on the task and a second later, Jane's calm expression made place for a bewildered one. She looked around in wonder, suddenly noticing that she was standing in the middle of the throne room instead of in the back next to her twin. Looking embarrassed, she ran back to her former position. "I'm sorry, Master, I have no idea what happened to me."

"I told you to step forward," Aro said, his voice sweet. "Don't you remember?"

Jane seemed to consider it a moment, before shaking her head. "I don't."

"He did tell you to step forward," Cecilia said. She watched the face of the Guard member closely, suddenly noticing the look of a light flipped on crossing over her face.

Caius's eyes snapped from Jane to Cecilia and for the first time, he didn't look like he wanted to kill the girl on the spot. "That's amazing."

Aro still stood in front of Cecilia like he had just opened up the best present on Christmas morning. "Just like that, she took away all the ideas of rebellion and uprising from the Markis."

Cecilia cleared her throat. "I still think they should be killed." That seemed to gain the attention of everybody in the room. Especially Aro and Caius had expressions of approval on their faces, apparently liking her new side. "I only took their memories and it probably won't be long before they have other visitors who will remind them of the situation or their former glory. Even if they might not remember their former hate, they could grow a new one. Besides, their way of living is repulsive."

"I see this trip has opened your eyes and filled your head with wisdom," Aro said. Not a second later, he chuckled again. This time he did touch her, grabbing the sides of her head and planting a firm kiss on her forehead. "I've been waiting centuries for someone like you, and here you are."

Cecilia smiled through her uncomfortableness. The last thing she wanted right now was to insult Aro and to break her new built worth. Her suggestion of killing the Markis' had been on her mind ever since leaving them. She would feel sorry for Ptolema and Vasyl, maybe even for Adras, but the way they treated their servants disgusted her.

"Go on, you have the rest of the day and the night for yourself. You may take Demetri with you," Aro said. He gestured with his hand to the doors of the throne room enthusiastically. "Tomorrow we'll start testing the limits of your gift."

Cecilia nodded gratefully, her hand finding Demetri's and allowing him to intertwine them. They left the castle faster than the speed of light, arriving at their spot in the forest only minutes later. She felt like a ton of weight had just been lifted from her shoulders and on an impulse driven by relief, she pressed her lips on Demetri's hard.

He chuckled, drawing away slightly. "What was that for?"

"I'm just really happy," she replied. Her entire face was radiating joy, happy with the fact that everything had gone better than she could have possibly imagined.

Demetri raised his eyebrows, a teasing smile on his face. He pulled her closer by her hips and wrapped his arms around the small of her back to keep her there. "Yeah, how does it feel to be Aro's new favourite?"

"If it means I can make demands, it feels amazing," she said softly. "I have been thinking about what I should claim in exchange for my loyalty."

"Is it still loyalty then?"

"If Aro thinks it can be bought, it can be bought."

"What are your demands?"

"I was thinking about a crown and a throne for myself," Cecilia said jokingly. She loved the smile cracking through on Demetri's face, causing her to feel a sense of accomplishment. "Obviously, I'll need a whole wing of the castle for myself and a private garden."

"Anything else, my queen?"

She giggled, shaking her head. "No, I only have two demands," she said seriously. "That I will never help in any way, shape or form to plot or fight against my family and," she hesitated for a moment, before continuing. "Angelokastro."

That seemed to surprise Demetri. "Angelokastro?"

"Yeah, a place just for the two of us," she said. She had absolutely fallen in love with the castle and its amazing view. "Or do you think that's too gloomy? You know, after Aro has the Markis' killed?"

"I think it's an amazing idea," Demetri said. He closed the distance between them more, lighting Cecilia's body on fire. After a moment, he drew back again, a smug grin on his face. "And I think Aro will see some dark poetic justice in it as well."

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