"Alright, but be careful, it's going to get dark soon. I don't want you out here by yourself so go straight home. Don't stop for anything. Give me a call if you run into any trouble-"

"Yeah, yeah, mother. You don't need to lecture me, I know." She waved him off as she carried on her jog and Wakasa chuckled to himself. His baby sister really wasn't so baby anymore.

'God she really did grow up quick.'

Naoka ended up jogging past the Musashi Shrine where she saw a line of bikes and she cocked a brow.

'I know those bikes.'

A familiar blonde with dark eyes like the night sky spotted her, a smile brightening his face when he did.

"Red!" He called out to her, waving as he did and she slowed her jog, removing her earphones from her ears. "Come hang with us!" He invited her. She wasn't sure why, but soon realised there was a Toman meeting.

"Are you really sure that it's okay for me to be here?" She asked carefully and Mikey nodded, the two falling into step together. Draken and Mitsuya appeared next to her and she greeted them with a smile.

She remembered what Baji had said, about keeping an eye on things for him if she could, so she wasn't about to waste her chance.

When they entered, she went around the side and stood near Mitsuya as to not be seen with Mikey. She didn't want people staring at her, even though he had asked for her to enter with him.

She could hear some of the boys murmuring in excitement about a 'hot chick' being here, but she just ignored it even though it annoyed her. However, the boys stopped whispering when Mitsuya announced to them that she was in fact a guest of the commanders.

That shut them right up.

The silver haired boy filled her in on what was going on, yet from the loud chattering she already knew.

'This is what Baji was talking about. Will Kisaki really be appointed captain?'

"Do you know who it is?" Naoka asked as she leant over to whisper in Mitsuyas ear, but he just shook his head.

"No, but whoever it is, I just hope-"

"Third division captain! Step forward!" Mikey's voice rang out which caused everyone to quieten down, including Mitsuya.

Naoka's eyes scanned over the crowd, until she saw a parting in the middle. Her heart began to race for all the wrong reasons when she saw Kisaki walking through with that stupid look on his face.

She could see Mitsuya flinch beside her and she knew from that, he wasn't happy with the decision.

She looked around to the other captains, gaging their reactions. From them, she could tell they were all thinking the same thing.

Mikey made the wrong move.

Suddenly, the crowd began to argue. It seemed that everyone felt the same way. They wanted him out, but she knew just their words alone wouldn't be enough to sway this decision.

"Shut up! This is Mikey's decision! If any of you got a problem with it then step forward!" Draken's loud voice silenced the crowd as he challenged them to the commander's decision.

Of course, no one would stand up to him. Not only because they felt they couldn't win against him in a fight, but because they respected him, and ultimately his decisions.

Naoka tuned out after that, unable to focus as she felt this pit in her stomach. She knew everything was about to turn to shit.

To her surprise and amusement, she snapped out of her thoughts when she saw Takemichi run at Kisaki and punch him right in the face.

Red (Manjiro "Mikey" Sano x OC)Where stories live. Discover now