➻Chapter 31- Take Me Away.

Start from the beginning

It was silent for a while, as Tyler looked at me in disbelief and I looked back at him, hoping somehow, just somehow he could understand how much I needed him to play along.

"Right, love," Tyler finally muttered; his head slightly nodded, and his gaze didn't drop off me while he spoke, "Where have you been, though? I was looking for you everywhere."

Holy freaking shit. Did Tyler just understand everything I was trying to say? Or did he see my text on time? Whatever though. It wasn't the time to be thinking about this.

"I had to deal with something urgently, I hope you understand."

"I do, understand," Tyler looked down just for a second before looking back at me, a grin now formed on his full lips as he reached out his hand for me.

I knew that grin of his. It screamed that he knew I messed something up, again.

Frederick inhaled such a sharp breath that it clearly displayed his disapproval. Bryan was looking everywhere but us. Nicole almost lost her consciousness, but was standing straight and nodding her head. Everything was going fine except, my heartbeats. It had paced up suddenly and I had no idea why.

My eyes slowly trailed down onto Tyler's hand that he'd reached out for me and without a doubt I knew Frederick, Bryan and Nicole were looking at me. I felt their gazes on me. Nicole and Bryan were obviously figuring out what I'd do next while Frederick was just waiting to grasp a single inaccuracy in our behaviour.

I took in a short breath and without thinking twice, I slid my hand in Tyler's. He gripped it and quickly pulled me towards his side, placing his other hand on the small of my back, sending all kinds of chill down my spine.

Damn it.

Perching next to Tyler, I gazed at him with a smile while he looked back at me, mirroring my expression. With his thumb, he fondled the knuckles of my hand that he still held.

I couldn't believe this, but really, I had started to think if Tyler was a light in my darkness. Because every trouble I had, every distress I was in, he was there, standing right next to me.

The two of us fixedly gaze at each other until...

"What nonsense!" Frederick spluttered out causing both of us to look at him. Well, I looked but Tyler precisely glared at that man. Nicole rolled her eyes at Frederick and Bryan shook his head, giving him a black look.

"Seriously, cut the crap, Frederick. And please just leave." Bryan spoke up to which Frederick snapped his hawkish gaze at him.

"Are you really speaking, Anderson?" Frederick growled, "Did you really forget what I—

"Stop right there!" Nicole interrupted him with a snap and all of them turned to look at Nicole except me.

I inhaled a deep breath, as a shudder ran through my body. Only Nicole and I knew what Frederick was about to say and we couldn't let him. We just couldn't. Not in front of Bryan. Not that disastrous day to unfold again. Not the day Nicole and I almost lost...

Adele, get a grip. Don't think about it! Bryan is right here. He's fine and nothing would ever happen to him, again.

I swallowed a sharp breath and looked up at Nicole while she looked back at me, her eyes were almost weepy too, but she nodded at me.

"Bry, come on. We need to go," Nicole mumbled, walking upto Bryan and holding him by his arm, ready to walk off,

"What is it, Nicole?" Bryan questioned lowly but Nicole only shook her head at him.

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