Chapter 2

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My weekends are always the same.

Friday night after work, the girls and I go out. Usually dinner or to a bar unless it's the third Friday of the month. At that point we're all tired of being semi-responsible adults and need to let loose.

Saturday is hood barbecue which is my absolute favourite because free drinks.
And I get to see everyone from the old neighbourhood, which always makes for a fun time.

Saturday night is my self-care night which was wine in the bath while watching Real Housewives last night.
Yes, I put a tv in my bathroom.

Sunday means brunch. For Ali, Sunday is her day to bond with Gaea, her nine year old, and Em has been sucked up in all things Tariq lately so it's usually just Lynn and I.

"Took you long enough. I already ordered." She exclaims as I sit down.

"I sent you a text moving brunch to twelve." A full three hours ago.

She takes out her phone and shrugs when she finds my text. This girl.
"What's done is done. I got you the fruit salad you like."

I love all my girls, I really do. But if I was forced to pick which one I was closest to... you know.
I mean, I've known Ali the longest. Her parents live right next door to my granny so we've been besties since diapers. But I lived in Sherman Oaks and attended the most exclusive schools in L.A. which is where I met Lynn.

Now, my family is comfortable, Lynn's family is wealthy! I expected her to be a stereotypical shallow mean girl, instead I found my soul sister. And the weirdest human being I have ever met.

This was the same time Ali met Em. The four of us just clicked. Turns out Em and Lynn are cousins too. We've been best friends ever since.

We were there when Ali fell pregnant at sixteen, when Em started her own bakery after finishing culinery school, when Ali came out as bi, for Lynn and I's graduation.

No, we didn't go to school together. I wish. She got her Masters in Software Engineering from MIT while I got my business degree from Brown.

Sure we made other friends during that time, but us four will always be family.

Aagh, I sound like Vin Diesel.

"And let me guess, you ordered the entire menu." Not that I am food shaming her, I have just never met anyone who eats as much as this girl in my life!

As if to prove my point, the waiter comes trying to balance her three plates of food before another comes with my food and two drinks.

"I missed you at the barbecue yesterday." I tell her after thanking the servers. While Lynn may have never lived in our neighbourhood, we have all dragged her back there enough that she is now a regular face there.

"Wasn't really feeling it." She shrugs biting down on her bacon. That does look good.

"You haven't been feeling much of anything lately, are you okay?" This is the third time she backs out of going somewhere.

"Soleil is back." Ah, that makes sense.

"What did she have you doing yesterday?"

"Dietician followed by a new personal trainer." She tries to be casual, but I know it bothers her.

Lynn's mother, Soleil, is the most vain and superficial woman I know. I hate to admit it, but the woman looks fantastic for her age. Not only is she six feet tall and still a size zero with double-Ds, she is also the definition of black don't crack. She does not look a day over thirty-five!

The problem? She keeps trying to change Lynn. It does not make a lick of sense to me, not only is Lynn one of the best people I know, she is downright gorgeous. I have seen cars pull over and grown men fighting each other for a chance with her.
However, Lynn's mom is obsessed with getting her down to a size zero.

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