Things Change

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A 15 yr old pegasus slumbered in a dusty attic as the the dawn broke, while three orphaned fillies who were hiding in  another pile of straw awakened. Sweetie Bell, Applebloom, and Scootaloo shook the straw off there coats and Sweetie Bell gently shook Fluttershy awake. The filly straightened herself up and asked the three others blearily, ¨Are you alright girls?¨ Applebloom explained to the pegasus, ¨  It's morning.¨ Fluttershy sighed, ¨you girls have made my life so much better, but I still wonder...¨ And she trailed off, seemingly lost in thought. ¨Wonder what Fluttershy?¨ Scootaloo, the most energetic of the triplets asked. The pegasus filly then continued, ¨If my sister was still alive, she would love all of you! Scootaloo the most. If we weren't living in poverty, if I wasn't forced to be a slave and you weren't forced to run for your lives.¨ And Fluttershy finally ran out of steam, collapsing on the attic floor and sighing.

Fluttershy: A dream is a wish your heart makes

When you're fast asleep
In dreams you will lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep

Have faith in your dreams and someday

Your rainbow will come smiling through
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
The dream that you wish will come true

A dream is a wish your heart makes

When you're fast asleep
In dreams you will lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep

Have faith in your dreams and someday

Your rainbow will come smiling through
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
The dream that you wish will come true

Fluttershy's voice was like an angel, and all three present applauded at the last note. ¨Wonderful!!¨ Sweetie Bell shouted, the filly's sweet voice going up and octave in her excitement, and making the little unicorn blush. Then came three angry voices all snarling at once. ¨FLUTTERSHYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¨ Fluttershy gasped, and quickly hurried down and flew to the kitchen. She then proceeded to cook and bake three scrumptious looking meals and place them on golden plates. None of the meals were for Fluttershy, which was a shame, since she hadn't anything but a few scraps yesterday, and so was starving. But then, Fluttershy never got what she needed, as her step-mother and step-sisters were exeedingly cruel. The pegasus crept gingerly into her step-sisters rooms and gave them their breakfast's, but when she handed the last plate to adajio, she heard a scream and watched in horror as Applebloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo were pushed inside. After adagio berated the younger girls, assigned them as maids in their household, and shoed them away to the basement where they would be sleeping, Adagio glared at Fluttershy poisonesly, screamed at her and even beating her before sending the filly to her attic to prepare for an errand.

Meanwhile in the castle, Discord fumed as he was being dressed in a regal suit while his sister laughed at him. He soon shut her up however saying, ¨we'll see if your laughing when your ladies maids try to put you in a dress.¨ Rainbow stopped laughing quickly, for everyone in the palace knew she hated dresses, she was a tomboy and proud of it. Only Discord knew the reason Rainbow hated dresses , her awful step-mother had forced her to wear one, and that same step-mother beat her and her older sister, whom Rainbow was still worried about. Discord had promised he would find her sister and bring her to live in the palace as his parents did for Rainbow when she was an orphan living on the streets. Discord's parents had sadly passed away, and he had been forced to take up the roll of king way too early. Everyone was expecting him to get married, despite the fact he was much too young and the royal court were planning a ball where he would choose a young mare to be his bride, which almost made the young draconaquis throw up! Rainbow found it insanely funny until Discord made a royal decree that his dear little sister be presented at the ball in a big, poufy dress. Suddenly, Rainbow didn't find it funny any more. Out of nowhere, Rainbow randomly burst into song.

Rainbow Dash: Here I am, far from home

A little bit hungry and a little alone
But it's alright
Yes, it's alright

'Cause in this room, I know ther'es friends
Can't see how the story ends
But it's alright
Yeah, it's alright

We can start anew

Can't go back so I gotta go on
We'll stick together, staying strong
There's a crystal castle in my mind
And someday soon
I'm gonna find it 

I'm gonna find it

 I'm gonna find it

I'm gonna find it

Somehow things are looking up
Feeling like I've changed my luck
I can see life, in a new light

Can't stay long (can't stay long)
Passing through (passing through)
Don't know where Iḿ going to
But it's alright
'Cause I just might
Find a way that's true (find a way that's true)

Can't go back, so I gotta go on (gotta go on...)
We'll stick together, staying strong (staying strong...)
There's a crystal castle in my mind
And someday soon
I'm gonna find it

I'm gonna find it

I'm gonna find the perfect place for me to be
And hear my melody set free

La la la la la la la

La la la la la la la
Climb the highest mountain just to see

To see...

Can't go back; so I gotta go on (gotta go on...)
We'll stick together, staying strong (staying strong...)
There's a crystal castle in my mind (in my mind...)
And someday soon
Iḿ gonna find it

Can't go back, so I gotta go on (gotta go on...)
We'll stick together, staying strong
There's a crystal castle in my mind (in my mind)
And someday soon
Iḿ gonna find it 

Iḿ gonna find it

Iḿ gonna find it 

Iḿ gonna find it 

Iḿ gonna find it 

Iḿ gonna find it 

Iḿ gonna find it 

Someday soon... 

Discord shrugged and snuck into his closet to dress in something that wouldn't be easily noticed. He then snapped a black cloak for Rainbow so she wouldn't be easily noticed with her rainbow colored mane, they were sneaking out of the palace.

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