Where there's smoke there's fire

701 39 4

3weeks later...

Mia was getting ready to go pick up Ryder from his grandmother's house, she heard the guys downstairs having a meeting in her living room. Cali was with Casheem's mother she planned on swinging by there to pick her up first. She grabbed her purse before heading down the stairs

"No, fuck that shit! That bitch tryna sue me and my brothers for pain and suffering?! What!" She heard Tamir yelling in her living room. "Relax fellas, it's not as bad as you think. The club owner somehow lost the footage from that night of the incident so that works in our favor" Gabriel paused because he saw Mia walking towards them. "Hello Mia" Gabe waved making all the guys look up from the table. Cash stood up from the couch "Where you going?" He asked as they walked towards the front door "To pick up the kids. Are you working tonight?" She asked before she kissed his lips "Yea later but I'll be here when you get back" he opened the door for her

Mia picked up Cali first like she had planned her grandmother had her spoiled rotten, Hope sent her back home with all kinds of little shoes and pajamas. About 45minutes later she pulled up to Rashadd's mother's house to get Ryder. When she got there Ryder was already ready he kissed his Nana goodbye and got into the car. Lindel came down to the car because she wanted to see the baby "Omg Mia she's so beautiful, I'm so proud of you" Lindel gave her a big hug.

Lindel always felt like Mia was a good woman and no matter what happened between Mia and Rashadd she still treated Mia like family because they were tied together through Ryder. She couldn't help her son was a loser who rather chase drugs and women than man up to his responsibilities, she raised him better than what he displayed. "One thing is for sure happiness looks good on you whoever that man is keep him" Lindel joked with Mia they talked for a while until Ryder said he was hungry "Take care Lin" Mia hugged her before driving off

Mia was wrapped up in getting home to start dinner she hadn't noticed an unfamiliar car following behind her. Once she got home she parked in the driveway noticing all the other cars had left except for Cash's car. The car that followed her parked 4houses down. Cash came right out to help Mia with the kids he grabbed Ryder who had fallen asleep and she grabbed Cali's car seat before they went inside the house.

"Mamas I made dinner so, you wouldn't have to rush" Cash laid Ryder on the couch "I'm leaving for work in like an hour so, while we eat I'ma put Cali down for bed too" he took the baby out of the car seat "You're too good to me you know that" she smiled relieved she didn't have to cook she was exhausted. Mia was preparing herself to eventually go back to work in the few weeks.

Outside 4houses away Rashadd was shooting up in his car. He followed Mia from his mother's house to hers. When he pulled up he couldn't believe how big and beautiful her new house was, jealousy burned inside of him. Once the drugs started to hit he got out of the car to get a closer look, Rashadd climbed over bushes and flowers to get close up on her windows. He watched another man eat dinner with his wife and son. Not to mention Cash was rocking him and Mia's adorable new baby girl to sleep at the dinner table. He watched Mia take the baby upstairs while Cash and Ryder started play fighting in the kitchen before they both cleared the table and cleaned the kitchen together.

His heart started beating fast when Cash walked over to the window to make sure it was locked before he completely shut the blinds. About 2hours later the front door opened waking Rashadd from his high slumber in the bushes, he saw Cash walk out with Mia right behind him "Damn you got me a whole hour behind Mia" Cash fussed at her but, she ignored him "Be safe Cali's Daddy we need you back home tonight" she smirked "That's always, I love you. Get ya fine ass in the house and lock them doors" Cash kissed her lips then tapped her butt motioning for her to get back inside it was late and all she had on was a little piece of a silk robe "I love you too" she did as he told her. Rashadd was burning on the inside he felt like that was his family, his life that Cash was living and if he couldn't have Mia nobody could.

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