Chapter 31: Home Sweet Escala

Start from the beginning

I turn to Escala, then back.

I should maybe look for an officer, or maybe a local.

I turn to Escala, then back before stopping dead in my tracks. "Damn it, Ted." I growl at myself. I stand paralyzed for ten excruciatingly long seconds before I exhale and turn around for the entrance to Escala.

I enter to reception, where a man in uniform is scribbling away. "Excuse me." I clear my throat. The man looks up. I'm worried I might get kicked out like a mutt, for looking like a mutt, but the man observes me, studies my face. "Do I know you?"

- "No, sir. But You might know my father. Christian Grey?" He gasps and places his hands on either side of his face. I think he's gay. "Yes! Oh, you look just like him!" Yeah, yeah, I've been over this. "I'm looking for someone. Sophia Taylor." He nods. "Yes, the penthouse, one moment, please, sir."

He picks the phone up. "Hello, Miss Taylor. I'd like to inform you that you have a visitor..." it's quiet. "What's your name again?" He covers the speaker with his palm. "Ted." I mutter. "Ted Grey." He purrs. Idiot. He just had to give me a last name, didn't he?

Something occurs to me. I treated Sophie rather coldly last time she came over. I doubt she'll want to see me. Jesus, she's right. I'm immature. I start taking a few steps back, before I hear the answer.

Mr. Fabulous hangs up the phone. "Go down this hallway to the elevator for the penthouse. Your code." He gives me a card.

Wait, she wants to see me?

"Thank you." I breathe. "Are you her boyfriend?" He bites his nails in anticipation. I grin and he starts fanning himself, calling out to our maker.
I enter the elevator and press the code. The door closes and I go up. God, I hate elevators. As I slowly reach the top, I'm becoming more nervous. What am I supposed to say? Apologize then tell her my parents are perverted freaks?

The elevator pings and I instinctively straighten up and wipe the sweat from my forehead. Except, I forgot I was in gym clothes. This will have to do.

I step in and get a familiar sense of deja vu. Whoa. This place is grand. I look around in awe. It's a painfully white foyer with ancient, yet polished vases on either side. The walls are centered with blown up black and white photographs of posing girls with exotic neon colored make up, similar to the kind Mr. Armani's models wear. Two doors in front of me are expectantly opened and I reluctantly walk through them.

Big is a huge understatement.

I find myself in the envy of all living rooms. There's light brown couches surrounding a mobile yet untouched iron fireplace. Beyond that, a giant glass wall that almost beats the view of my meadow.


"Ted," I hear a disembodied voice echo through the apartment and turn my head almost 180 degrees in search for the source. In a door next to the entrance, where I came in, Sophie peeks her head. A long fish braid dangles from her hair.

"Hi," Is all I manage to mutter. She steps out to frame and I'm momentarily thrown off. I literally take a step back, because I feel I've lost my balance. Sophie's in a white, thin tank top and little black short shorts, no shoes, no socks, and it's not for anything, but I see her red lace bra. Not my fault. Honest.

"Hey," she crosses her arms nonchalantly and walks my way. Besides my heart beating in my ear drums, I notice Lana del Rey quietly cooning in the background, probably in her room. I notice she observes me from top to bottom, and I fear she might be judging me.
"Sorry for dropping by so suddenly. I just," I clear my throat, "-Kind of got lost." Sophie's expression emanates confusion, and maybe a tad of disappointment. Perhaps because my main motive wasn't to apologize. "It's a long story." I exhale and swallow. She sighs. "Come on." She guides me to her kitchen.

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