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Jimin knows Jungkook doesn't like it when he's over protective about the choices they make. For example, the places they go and what they stumble upon when they're on the move. Even if Jimin knows the younger is capable of taking care of himself, he can't bring himself to not worry for their safety- Jungkook's safety.

Jimin still sees that scared heartbroken boy he took in that day with his mother as she pleaded for him to take him. The way Jungkook was shaking and sobbing his heart out has always been burned in the back of Jimin's mind. Even till this very day. He was so fragile and weak that Jimin knew he had to make a promise. A promise that he would let absolutely nothing break his word even if he has to risk his own life.

A promise to never let anything bad happen to the younger boy.

The two have gone through a lot together, always on the move and never staying more than a month somewhere, too afraid of being found by people who've turned selfish and insane. He's seen first hand what would happen if that ever encountered one.

It was about a year ago, one night, when he and Jungkook were staying in a small apartment on the 3rd floor. It was empty and abandoned -of course- but not in a bad condition so they decided it was a good place to stay in for a bit. On the second night there, the two were sleeping as usual, cuddled up in the master bedroom when Jimin jolted awake at the sound of a piercing scream cutting through the silence of the night.

His eyes were open, wide awake as his heart pounded loud in his ears due to the eerie silence of the night, wondering if it was just his imagination that made him wake up with a start but once he heard the same scream again, closer than before, he sat up in alert.

Jungkook heard it that time and sat up along with him. Jimin told him to stay quiet while he got up to check out the window. Another scream was heard and Jungkook was about to tell Jimin to get back into the safety of their bed when Jimin let out a small gasp, eyes landing on the source of the petrifying screams once he reached the window.

His hands flew up to his mouth as he watched in horror. A woman was on the ground with a man on top of her. She had her hands hitting him, pushing and scratching as he was attacking her. She screamed at him to get off and screamed because of the pain.

Jimin thought he was trying to rape her at first until the man lifted his head, blood dripping from his mouth, down his chin, exposing a nasty wound on the woman's stomach. The light on the sidewalk helped illuminate the street which made it visible for Jimin to witness the tragic scene.

That man was eating her.

Jimin let out a startled yelp when Jungkook's arm slipped around his waist, peering over his back to see what he was looking at.

"D-don't look Jungkookie," Jimin had said when he was able to tear his eyes away from the gruesome scene down below. When he looked up at the younger, Jungkook's eyes were hard, arm tightening around his waist when the woman let out another gargled scream, but it was quieter this time letting them know she was losing her strength in fighting for her life.

Jimin had flinched and he felt his stomach swirl, images of the man eating her stomach way too vivid in his head as he shifted closer to the taller for comfort. It made him sick and he could feel the food from dinner start to rise into his throat, threatening to be thrown up.

"Let's go back to bed, please," Jimin had whispered, head falling on top of Jungkook's shoulder, body turning weak and stomach queasy. The more he heard the woman's dying screams, the more he felt worse.

"It's okay, hyung," Jungkook whispered into his hair before bringing them back to the mattress. "You're safe, we're okay,"

Jimin is usually was the one who said those lines but hearing them made him feel so secure and safe. That led to Jimin falling asleep with Jungkook's arms around him protectively that night, but ever since then, Jimin had been more cautious of their surroundings. Always on alert when there's another sound that isn't from them on their long walks.

It left him scarred, for sure, even waking up in the middle of the night from a nightmare all too similar to the scene of that night. Jungkook was always there to reassure him that everything was okay while he broke down. He never wants them to encounter another human knowing it's a huge risk to their lives. Especially since they can be cannibals, too starved to care about eating human flesh.

He's glad they find food and drinks in abandoned towns or else they probably would have turned insane like others who don't seem to be surviving well on their own.

Jungkook may think all this over protectiveness is getting tiring but no matter what, Jimin with not let anything take what they have away.

He loves Jungkook too much to slack off.



Jimin whips his head to look in Jungkook's direction, meeting his brown eyes that are trained on him in worry. He didn't notice he zoned out, hands grabbing at his thighs a little too tight. He quickly lossens them when Jungkook asks, "What are you thinking about?"

The taller scoots closer to him and pulls him against his broad chest, arms securing around his hyung's smaller waist in an attempt to make him feel better.

"Nothing," Jimin sighs, eyes falling shut at the safety of the younger's warm embrace.

"Just- the night we saw that man eating a woman," He whispers and he doesn't need to look up to know the frown on Jungkook's face.


"I know...I'm safe, but I still think about it,"

They sit like that for a while, Jimin resting his ear against Jungkook's chest and listening to the constant beat of his familiar heart beat. It helps ease his mind along with his body as he's held in Jungkook's arms. It feels safe and warm and just like home. It never fails to send a flutter to erupt in his heart.

He smiles softly when a kiss is placed on his head.

"We're running out of water, we'll have to look for more around the area," Jungkook says, a hand coming up to brush back Jimin's bangs while he continues to speak.

"I can go tomorrow morning if-"

"We." Jimin corrects.

Jungkook sighs knowing there's no use in arguing over this topic again.

"Fine, we can go tomorrow morning. Better?"

Jimin smiles before looking up, the scowl on Jungkook's face quickly disappearing once they make eye contact.


When the sun begins to set, they eat dinner consisting of rice and left over noodles they cooked for lunch from their last stop which was a mile from where they are now. It's only their second night in this small house built right on a street where similar houses are at as well. It's a cute neighborhood and they hope there are stores close by.

When they settle into the queen sized bed together, Jimin snuggles up into Jungkook's chest while their legs entangle together and forces himself not to think about tomorrow morning. Having to look around in an unfamiliar street always makes Jimin anxious. They don't know what they'll bump into and he silently prays they'll find a small store, get whatever they need, and get back here quick and safe.

He wraps his arms around Jungkook's body and pulls himself impossibly closer, their body heat feeling comfortable as the taller's heart sings him to sleep like a lullaby.

He doesn't notice when a pair of lips kiss his hair, already fast asleep.

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