That's how we spent day number three in this class, completely avoiding each other.


Julie books it right as the bell rings, leaving me standing there calling after her.

"Tough luck." Devin comes up to me, shrugging his shoulders. I flip him off. "Don't get mad at me. You got yourself in this mess."

"Ugh. Don't remind me. I have no idea what to do or say."

"I don't know either. You'll figure it out though. You always do." Devin and I do shake before he takes off to go lifting after school. Normally, I'd join him, but I'm not feeling it today.

I walk out into the student parking lot, seeing it's practically deserted already, besides one white car with a hood popped opened.

As I walk closer I spot the familiar sweatshirt and frame I saw a couple of minutes ago.

Julie looks frantic and stressed as she speaks to whoever on the phone.

I walk towards her car, creeping towards her like someone trying to not wake a sleeping bear. Essentially what Julie is right now.

"Ok." Julie takes in deep breaths, trying to calm herself, something she always used to do. She pulls at the strand of hair that fell out of her bun. "I'll figure something out. Yeah. I'll be fine. I promise... I love you." She ends the call, looking at her car again.

I clear my throat letting her know I'm here. She jumps a little and turns around,  hold a hand to her heart.

"You cant do that to me." She breathes, hunched over.

"You- you good?" I nod towards her car.

She presses her lips into a thin line. "Yep. Perfectly fine." She forces out.

I peer back at her car again. "Seeing that your hoods up and you were probably on the phone with you dad from the context I've gathered, doesn't seem like it sweetheart." I move towards her car, inspecting it.

Julie sighs. "My car won't start, and I don't have jumper cables. My dad is still at work and can't be here until 6."

"Don't you have practice?" I question.

Julie shakes her head. "Coach has an emergency family thing, so he called off. What about you?"

I shake my head as well. "Not until later tonight."

I hesitate asking her the question in my mind. This might be the worst idea I've ever had, but if I don't offer I'll A. seem like a jerk, well more of a jerk and B. it could help gain some points back with Julie.

"I can take you home."

Julie's eyes widen, her head shaking instantly. "No. It's ok. I can wait."

I look at her like she's stupid because she kind of is. "Look, it's either you cook out here alive and wait for three hours, or you can come with me and I can take you home."

She looks at the ground, her foot kicking a rock, before she sighs. "Fine."


I help her grab her things from her car and lead her over my mine.

Hopping in, I turn on the ignition, blasting the AC, before taking off.

We sit in silence with light music playing in the background. It's not like it's a long drive because it isn't, but it's awkward as fuck right now.

Julie continues to play with her strand of hair, leg bouncing like crazy as she stares out the window. I desperately want to reach over and rest my hand on her thigh to stop her, but that's reaching many limits we aren't even close to yet.

I pull into my driveway, turning off the ignition.

We sit there, in complete silence, waiting for one of us to speak, move, or do anything besides breath first.

"Julie, I-"

"Save it Jace." Julie cuts me off, fists clenching onto the leather seats, breathing uneven. Her warm honey eyes are now cold and icy and she stares me down. "You want nothing to do with me. That's fine. It's your choice. Personally, I don't want anything to do with you."

Her words hit me like Parker hits me during practice. "You- you don't?" My choke out.

She shakes her head. "No. I don't because I won't waste another breath or tear on you Jace Lockheart. You are not worth it, so yeah, let's keep this mutual. Keep this companionship going in public, but know" She slaps her hand on the center console. "between all the smiles and laughs I'll give you, I absolutely hate you Jace Lockheart."

With that, she gets out of the car with her stuff, slamming the door on my face.

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