3 • Emotional Ties

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There's a picture of Ryder for you guys. Tanned skin, blonde hair and all ;)


[Rosalie's POV]

I was lounging around our apartment when Clara came home from school. I was still wearing what I had on earlier, minus the flats I'd ditched, which were now replaced by sock slippers. You know, those slippers that you slide on like they're socks, but they're actually slippers? Amazing invention right there.

Anyways, that doesn't matter.

So I'd decided to just skip the rest of the day seeing as there was just an hour left when I got back. Once I'd explained everything to her I'd text Jake to come over.

My reasoning was that I wouldn't want to freak out Clara with some random guy in the house. Secretly, I knew that I just didn't want Clara flirting or anything with Jake.

What? Don't judge, so apparently I'm the jealous type...

Who knew?

"Rose, you better have a good explanation, I've had to cover for your ass all day!" she yelled the second she'd slammed the front door closed.

A few seconds later she walked into the kitchen, where I was seated on a stool by the island, eating a bowl of chocolate M&M's.

"Heads up for tomorrow, you were visiting our sick grandma this weekend and the trip was stretched till today." she said over her shoulder as she grabbed a glass of water and reached to get a few of my precious M&M's.

I scowled and held the bowl protectively. My M&M'S and I had a special relationship. They were like, the best thing on earth.

"Yeah, I need to talk to you about that actually..."

Her eyebrow quirked up. "Really now? Alright," she sat down. "go ahead."

"I was called into the woods. You know, the wolves? Anyways, two alphas were fighting, but that's not important really..."

Of course, when Clara took me in, the Officials gave me permission to tell her and my adoptive parents about everything, disregarding the code of secrecy or whatever the hell it is that says we aren't supposed to tell people about ourselves. Long story short, not only did she know about me, but I've also indulged her in all aspects of Magics, including werewolves.

"Two alphas fighting. That explains what took you so long. If that's not the point, then what is?" She asked confused.

"I'm their mate." I said before shoving another handful of chocolate into my mouth.

She blinked.

"You're joking! No, I know you're not but oh my god, my little Rose is growing up!" She gushed. "And-I mean he's an alpha! Is he hot? Oh god, is he young? He better be. Wait, which one?" she inquires relentlessly.

"No Clairs, not one of them. I'm both their mates. Both." I emphasized.

There was a brief silence.

"No fair! You get to bang two of them?!?" She shrieked.

I rolled my eyes. There's my typical, perverted Clara for you.

"I'm not going to sleep with them! We're sort of, well, they're sort of sharing me for now-until I can come to a decision of one or the other." I explained. "And I'm telling you because one of them's coming over in a few and he's staying for the night. For the rest of the week actually. So make nice, alright?"

"Yeah, yeah." she waved her hands in dismissal. "Names? Ages? Hot or not? Shoe size?" she listed questions off her fingers.

Shoe size?

My... Mates?Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu