I felt a pain in my chest.

"I really, really miss him." I closed my eyes again, trying to think of him for a second time.

"I had a lot of fun today. Thanks, Hajime." He smiled, eyes closed. I kissed his cheek.

"You're welcome. I had fun too."

"I'm glad you did. It would've been bad if I was the only one to enjoy our first date." He chuckled.

I opened my eyes again.

"Gah! I'm so fucking weird!" I groaned, frustrated.

"Look, I-I don't believe in ghosts, but if you're here, Nagito, I just wanna say... I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry. You'd probably be like 'oh no, it's not your fault, don't be sorry.' But deep down, even you know it is. I said I'd protect you, but I didn't. I'm a fucking loser!"

I gritted my teeth.

"If I wasn't myself, I'd beat me up right now! I let my own boyfriend die such a horrible death, I'm the worst! The absolute worst!"

I cried.

"I'm so, so sorry, Nagito! I really am, you didn't deserve any of this!"

My legs gave up again.

"God, I hate myself! I just let you die! Y-you're dead... I'm sorry, Nagito..."

My eyelids slowly got heavier as I sunk to the floor.

"I'm so sorry..."

I woke up and didn't know what time it was. It was still dark outside and I just decided to go for a walk. When I passed Nagito's cottage, I sighed.

"Uhm, Monokuma?"

"You called for me and so I appear! Waddya need, kid?"

"Can you open the door to Nagito's cottage?"

"Why? There's no investigation going on."

"Just do it, jeez! This whole thing will be over soon anyways, just- please."

"Fiiine!" He opened it and I stepped inside, closing it behind me again.

I felt bad for invading his personal space like that, but I wasn't gonna do anything creepy.
I looked around a bit and didn't see anything eyecatching.

There were a few books in a bookshelf and I saw a drawing on the bed.
There was a letter attached to it. I picked up the drawing first. It looked like Nagito and Sonia smiling into the camera. I took a look at the letter.

'Dearest Nagito,
I decided to draw you this as a 'thank you' for reading the book I recommended. I hope you find it to be enjoyable.
Love, Sonia.'

I saw a piece of paper on top of a book. It looked like the book was used to stabilize the paper so you can write on it. There was, what seemed to be, an answer to Sonia's letter written on it.

'Dear Sonia,
Thank you for the drawing, I really like it! You really don't need to thank me for something as simple as that though, it was my pleasure! I did enjoy the book, even if it's not what I would've usually read.

He didn't even get to give her the letter. I turned around and looked at the bookshelf more thoroughly.
There was a box.

I opened it. Inside were a couple more letters he hadn't given to the people they were meant for yet.

'Hey Kazuichi,
I wanted to thank you for helping me repair my lock earlier today. It would've been a real shame if I hadn't gotten inside my cottage for the night. So, thank you!

Thanks for tasting the food I made yesterday, it was really helpful! Usually, I always make a mess in the kitchen, but with your help, I was actually able to create something decent!

'Fuyuhiko, Hey, I really felt the need to show my gratitude for motivating me to go eat something earlier today. After Ibuki, Hiyoko and Mikan died, I just felt so miserable. I didn't know how I could just move forward from losing three classmates, but you really helped me out!

'Dear Hajime,' My eyes widened.
'This is really embarrassing and cliché, but I didn't know how else to tell you. I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship or anything. I really like you. Like, in a romantic way. It's fine if you don't feel the same, just tell me, but I felt like you deserved to know about something like that.

He... wrote me a love letter?
When was this written?

I looked at the other letters in the box and found another one that was addressed to me.

I really hope you're not weirded out by this or something. Nekomaru encouraged me to write you this. I have to say, I really like you. More than just as a friend. If you don't like me back, that's okay. I hope we can at least stay friends.

So it was written before Nekomaru died. Why did he never give me any of these letters?

As I thought that, they both fell down and I saw that there was something written on the back.

'Next time, act more confident.'

'Elaborate more.'
"Were these notes he wrote to himself? That's... really cute."

I smiled. After that, I decided to take the letter addressed to me back to my cottage to have something that reminds me of him.

♡Hey, can you hear me? | Hinakoma/Komahina |  FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now