It was the day of the funeral. Both Toretto sisters were emotional wrecks. Alex was scared that Dom would show. If he did, there would be trouble. There were three black cars parked about fifty feet away from where the funeral was being held. Three cops stood there, waiting for Dom to appear. One of those cops was Brian. Shortly after being on the run, Brian was recruited by some cops in Miami. If he helped them out with a job, then his record would be cleared and he could rejoin the force. He either had to agree or would he placed in jail. So, he helped them out and has been back on the force ever since. Alex was already heartbroken over the loss of her friend and seeing Brian for the first time in years only made it harder. Brian couldn't keep his eyes off of the girl and it didn't go unnoticed. The priest said a few kind words followed by a prayer and then they buried Letty's casket.

Once the service was over, Alex noticed that Brian was still present. She felt a wave of anger wash over her. Letting her emotions get the best of her, Alex walked over to Brian, who was still standing near his cop car. She crossed her arm once she reached him.

"You know, you've some balls showing up here," Alex spoke in an irritated tone. This was the first time they had spoken to each other in years. She could feel her stomach tying itself into knots. It was weird to be near him again.

"I'm so sorry for your loss, Alex," Brian said honestly. He had sunglasses on so she couldn't see those ocean blue eyes she had always loved. Alex clenched her jaw. She would still be here if you hadn't ruined our family, Alex found herself thinking. It made her angry.

"You're wasting your time. He's not going to show," Alex said, referring to Dom. Brian took a step closer to her.

"When was the last time you talked to him?" Brian asked in a hushed tone. Alex laughed sarcastically. As if I would tell you anything. She rolled her eyes and turned around. She walked away from him without saying another word.

Shortly after the funeral, Mia made some dinner for the two girls. They both needed each other right now. They had spent most of the day crying. It was nice for Alex to have a shoulder to cry on after so many years of crying alone. Mia had laid down to rest after an emotionally eventful day. Alex knew she wouldn't be able to sleep so she decided to go through some of her old clothes and pack them away in a box to donate to one of the local homeless shelters. Once the box was filled, Alex walked outside and made her way to the garage. The box would stay in there until tomorrow afternoon when she would deliver it to the shelter. She set the box on top of the counter.

Alex froze when she heard the sound of heavy footsteps behind her. She could tell that it wasn't Mia. Her eyes darted towards a box of tools that sat near the box of clothes on the counter. Slowly, she reached her arm out and grabbed out a wrench to defend herself. She whipped around, gripping the wrench tightly. Alex's eyes widened at who stood before her.

"Dom!" Alex gasped, dropping the wrench to the floor. She ran into her brother's arms, tears instantly spilling down her cheeks. She was so happy to see him, yet so sad about the real reason he was here. It had been so long since they had saw each other. Dom hugged Alex tighter as he felt her body shake from crying. "It's been so hard, Dom.." Alex said quietly into Dom's shirt. He rubbed her back soothingly. It really had been hard on her. She was always used to being surrounded by family and friends and suddenly they were all just gone in the blink of an eye.

"I know. I know," Dom repeated, knowing the pain she felt. They were both hurting. He rested his chin on top of her head. The siblings stayed like that for a moment. Alex pulled away, looking up at Dom. She wiped the tears from her face.

"I saw him today," Alex told her brother, referring to the blonde that had broke her heart and tore her family apart. She noticed Dom tense up as he realized who she was talking about. She looked down at her feet, her chest beginning to ache due to the sadness she felt. She knew that Dom was going through something much worse than she was, so she tried to change the subject. "I'm glad to see you, but you shouldn't be here. They probably know you're here, they'll come after you-" Dom cut her off.

"They won't find me," Dom replied nonchalantly. Alex sighed. "C'mon, look at you," Dom spoke after a moment of observing his little sister. He smiled down at her. It still stressed Alex out, but she tried her best to push her worries away and focus on the fact that this was the first time she had seen her brother in person in five years. He lifted his hand up to her face and used his thumb to wipe away a tear. Alex smiled. Dom's eyes wandered over to the 1970 Dodge Charger that sat in the corner of the garage. It was still somewhat messed up from when Dom had crashed it. Alex followed his gaze.

"Letty wouldn't let them junk it.. even though it's a God damn curse. When she came back here, she was constantly out here, all day and all night, working on this thing. It was so weird.." Alex said, trailing off. Dom walked over to the car. It pained him to know that his girlfriend was gone. "It was like she knew you weren't coming back."

"I wanna see the crash sight," Dom said, staring at the cross necklace that hung around the rear view mirror. His chest tightened at the sight. The look on his face broke Alex's heart even more. After running inside to grab a jacket and saying hello to Mia, the two of them drove to where Letty's accident had happened. They pulled over to the side of the road. Dom parked the car. Alex nodded over to where it went down. The two siblings got out of the car. Dom got closer to the accident site.

Alex leaned against the car, watching her brother. It made her feel uneasy knowing that this was where her friend had passed away. She couldn't even begin to imagine what her brother was feeling right now. Everyone knew how much Dom loved Letty. Dom stood there, inspecting the scene. His eyes followed the burn marks on the ground and he replayed what he assumed the accident looked like in his head. Dom clenched his jaw. He turned around and got back inside the car. Alex followed in suit. Dom drove, the car filled with silence. He parked the car a few blocks away from their house to avoid any cops.

"You found something back there. I can tell by the look on your face," Alex said quietly. She turned her head to face her brother.

"There were burn marks on the ground," Dom told her. He looked straight ahead, avoiding his sisters gaze. "The kind that only be caused by Nitro Meth. There's only one guy I know of that sells that." Alex shook her head at Dom.

"Dom, nothing that you do will bring her back. You have to know that doing what I think you're going to do will solve nothing. It will only cause more trouble for you. If I were Letty, I would ask you - Hell, I would beg you to please let this go Dom.. Let it go before it's too late," Alex said to her brother. She knew that he would try to do something to avenge Letty. Dom turned towards Alex. His expression was unreadable, as usual.

"It's already too late," Dom said quietly. Alex just looked at him for a moment before sighing. He was stubborn and nothing she said was going to change his mind. It was just a waste of breath to try. Alex knew she needed to go. The police must know that Dom's back in the states by now, it wouldn't surprise her if they had her whole block surrounded with cops.

"I love you," Alex said. She leaned over and planted a kiss on her brothers' cheek. She gave him one last look before opening the car door and climbing out. She closed the door behind her, then began to walk home as Dom sped off. Though it was a short walk, Alex was thankful for it. The silence of the night helped clear her head. As Alex approached her house, she noticed a short man in a suit exit the car that was parked outside of her house. He reached into his jacket and pulled out his badge, showing it to her. Alex sighed and stopped walking. Of course.

"Can I help you?" Alex asked, putting her hands in the pockets of her jacket. She had an annoyed expression plastered on her face. Ever since Dom had been on the run, cops were constantly bugging Alex to find out if she had heard anything from Dom. She never told them anything. You would think by now they'd get the hint.

"Miss Toretto, I'm Michael Stasiak, FBI. Let's you and I have a little talk."

Nothing Like Us // Brian O'Conner [1]Where stories live. Discover now