Chapter 2

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Somewhere, deep into the earth's crust, a cavern was full of glowing crystals imbued by a high-quality aura. The crystals were glowing blue until they started to viciously shake and blare red.

A figure sat up from the ceiling of the cave and fell to the ground. They created a loud crash as the figure plummeted to a bed full of sharp crystals.

"Ughhhh... That hurt....", the figure then moaned in pain as they stood up from the ground and dusted off all of the crystals that were embedded in them.

They then revealed their true identity. Hakos Baelz, the embodiment of chaos and appointed by the Gods as leader of the Council.

Baelz stretched her body as she walked to one of the blaring crystals. She put her hand at the crystal and it stopped alarming and turned back into its normal state.

Her mouse ears then perked up as she started to look around the cavern.

"Someone's watching...", she thought as the deafening silence took over. Baelz was ready to confront the pervert who was spying on her.

She then heard a squeak behind her, as she turned around and saw a red and teal-colored mouse on top of a crystal.

"Mr. Squeak! God, you almost gave me a heart attack", she cupped Mr. Squeak between her hands as the mouse climbed up to nest on her head.

Baelz giggled as she opened a red portal leading to somewhere.


Somewhere floating in space, a structure built on a floating island and surrounded by two huge rings could be seen.

The Celestial Court serves as the Council's headquarters, and also their place to hang out.

A red portal appeared in the front entrance of the court as Baelz stepped out of the portal.

"Huh, that's weird. Where is everybody?" she thought out loud as she went inside the building. The inside of the Court was something to marvel at.

The walls, pillars, and floors are clean and made out of reflective marble. The walls are decorated with paintings with the council members.

Baelz looked at her painting and purposely slanted her canvas just to mess with a certain member. She looked proudly at what she did as she continued to walk down the white halls.

Baelz stood in front of two doors that lead to the meeting room. She opened it wide open as the light inside glowed.

The inside of the meeting room consisted of five seats, with The four seats placed behind the seat of Baelz. She went to her table and sat down.

"Hmmm, since everyone is still not here, maybe I could see what's up", she said as she pressed a button under her table as a blue rectangular hologram appeared in front of her.

She checked one by one on the condition the mortals are in. Everything was fine until Baelz noticed something.

"Huh? This figure looks familiar", she stumbled upon a man dressed in red looking around at an alleyway.

The figure looked around as it stopped and looked at Baelz, the man muttering words that Baelz can understand...

'I found you...' as the man smiled at her, disappearing into a cloud of black smoke. From the smoke, a white raven flew away as Baelz was left speechless.

'It can't be... He's alive?!' she thought as she remembered a white raven from the past.

A powerful Anomaly capable of erasing anything that blocked its way. The only Anomaly who was capable enough to go head to head with the incarnation of chaos and the rest of the Celestial Council.

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