Embrace of Impact

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Today we are learning about the Egyptians in history. In which I'm kind of interested in learning about. Especially since today is early release.

I'm feeling a little different today and I decide to raise my hand when he asks questions. Little did I know that I could get extra credit from just participating in the lesson. Looks like I'll be participating from now on.

"The Egyptians used mint for their breath because the didn't have toothpaste back then but that was a start of something like toothpaste." I answer, proudly for the first time in ever.

I walk out of the classroom actually feeling good about myself and maybe just maybe think about signing up for the talent show.

Troy and 2 people behind him corner me against the wall and said some stuff about me not supposed to be smart because I'm black. And that's it. The last straw. They've taken it too far and I let them.

"I DON'T CARE!!! I don't care that you think I'm not suppose to be smart just because of my skin color. I don't care. I love my skin color. I am beautiful, bold, brave and so much more. But you.. you 3 are just a bunch of spoiled, immature dumb-asses. You bully me because of my skin color and how I look but guess what; it doesn't bother me anymore. I've dealt with you and all the mean things you've been saying to me this whole year. And to make it even better for you, I'll go on a round trip to principle's office to tell her how you've bullied me this whole year. So you 3 can kiss my natural black ass."

I finish talking and I'm glad I finally stood up for myself. I would have never thought I had it in me and it seems so did everyone else. I feel like I can take on the world. I feel like I could do anything. I feel like maybe it doesn't matter that I'm black because I am me.

I turn around and I see a bunch of people with their phones recording and whoop-whooping. The one that stands out the most is Brianna's.

"You go girl! Maybe next time you'll think twice about messing with her now, Troy!!"

Brianna make her way through the crowd of people and gives me a really tight squeeze. I look back for just a second to see Troy and the other two just stand their looking dumbfounded while I walk my proud-self to the principle's office.

I told Mrs.Williams everything. Every little detail and aspect of what about troy and his two buddies have been making me suffer the whole year; constantly bullying me for my skin color but I decided to put and end to it and not let them be able to want to bully anybody else.

She contacts his parents and alerts them of everything he's been doing while in school.

"Bullying isn't tolerated in this school, Mr.Crawford. And your parents aren't gonna be very happy about this. Your best bet is to straighten up. Also, you're suspended for 2 weeks." Mrs. Williams continues scolding Troy as I walk out of there with my head held high and my best friend at my side.

I almost feel lighter, too.

The talent show was after school tomorrow at 4:00-5:00. Brianna helped me find the perfect dress to go with my act for the talent show. I thought it was a little showy but she said it was perfect. I went home and practiced and practiced until I was too tired to even tie up my hair.

I Ma kiss me goodnight and I tries to get up to say something but she just ushered me back to sleep.

The next afternoon for me was full of nervousness and singing for the talent show. I almost wanted to back out when I saw how many people were in the crowd.

Jamie W. was called up first then Julien M. and a couple of other people. And finally they said, "Amelia Wright".

I stepped onto the stage with a weird feeling but it was just butterflies in my stomach. I could have fainted just from how many eyes were on me in that moment but I pushed passed the nervousness and went on.

I sung I'd Rather Go Blind by Etta James.

Something told me it was over

When I saw you and her talkin'

Something deep down in my soul said, 'Cry, girl'

When I saw you and that girl walkin' around

Whoo, I would rather, I would rather go blind, boy

Then to see you walk away from me, child, no

Whoo, so you see, I love you so much

That I don't wanna watch you leave me, baby

Most of all, I just don't, I just don't wanna be free, no

"You go girl, sing it!" I hear someone yell from the crowd and I stand a little straighter.

I choose this song because I love the rhythm, the beat, the feeling I get when I listen to it. I can hear the emotion put into the by each part Etta sang. I get so lost in the song at times. Well all the time but it's well over worth it.

Sometime you just got to take time to enjoy the little things or they'll pass you by. The things you didn't think mattered or things you didn't and still don't pay attention to.

When I finished singing my heart out on that stage, I received a standing ovation. I honestly thought I was going to get booed off the stage and have stuff thrown at me but what mattered the most was that I tried anyway. Everyone clapped and cheered and I felt on top of the world. 

At the end of the talent show they announced the winner.

"Although, there was so many bright faces with their bright talents, we can sadly only choose one winner to bring home the reward. And with that being said the winner for the Annual Brightly Shine Talent Show is Amelia Wright. Get up here, girl." Mrs.Williams announces with a big ole smile on her face.

"That's my baby." I look toward the audience and see Mama standing up in the audience clapping for me and smiling. I look beside her and I see Dad and Jamal clapping for me and smiling, as well. And two other familiar voices. Bri and Eric.

I shyly walk myself up to the stage, twirling my hair in my fingers with each step. My hair is so wrapped around my finger that it almost gets stuck. And I suddenly feel like my dress is too tight and that I'm burning up. It's truly amazing how I can go from being unstoppable to being shy. Oh how the tables have turned. Well I guess I only can hold on to that for so long. I should have guessed that I can only hold my shyness away for so long.

She gives me a warm hug and hands me the reward basket full of chocolate, treats, and a I-pad. I didn't really anticipate to win but I did. And I will be enjoying these chocolates especially.

"Thank you! I'd like to thank Brianna for helping me to come out of my shell and sign up. And my family, as well." The clapping from the audience I received, still kind of surprised me. It made me sort feel like I was top of the world to hear everyone cheering and clapping instead of making fun of me.

Even though I see several jealous and full of envy people glaring at me. Shooting daggers at me from their cold eyes. It's so clear to see with their expressionless faces.

This year has really been something. Something I will always remember and some moments I will treasure.

Moments I can learn from. The significance of it all. You just have to embrace it all and accept the impact of it for it to turn out amazing in the end and that's what I did.

People always underestimate the black quiet girl but little do they know that they'll be blown out the water by the smarts of her. Blacks are always being underestimated but yet they show those who underestimated them that they are well over capable of doing many things successful and many other things.

Sometimes you just got to accept that people are going to be hating on every little thing you do because they're jealous. You got to go with it. Go with the flow. Continue on your path and don't let them get to you.

Took me a while to realize this but I finally did.

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