The Inevident

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I apply to USB (University of South Brownie). Today is the day I finally put my dreams in the hands of this college. Dreams I may or may not get into college to see. Even thought I hope. And ma always says as long as there is hope, there is still a chance. And I'm gonna believe that just this once.

I sit at my desk and hover over the apply button with my sweaty hand for a couple of moments but I eventually press apply. A college I'm not even sure I'll get into and have little confidence for but I'll try.

I'll try for my family.

I'll try for my dreams.

I'll try for the fact just to know that if I don't try, I'll never hear the end of it.

I'll try for me.

Although, I kind of don't won't to leave to go off to college, I'll always be able to visit, call, and text. I just will miss home.

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