Start from the beginning

"Eh?! Why would you do that?! No way!"

"Why not?"

"Because I..." Mikey cut himself off when he saw Draken smirking. "Tch, you're an asshole you know that?"


Naoka was walking to the convenience store one day to get some exercise when a shadow crossed her path. She looked up to see one of the people she disliked most in this world.

Kisaki Tetta.

He stood directly in her path, so she knew that he wanted something to do with her. She had always hated the guy. Though they've never interacted, he's always watched her, and she's noticed. The way he would look at her always gave her the creeps. She wasn't one to scare easily, but he definitely instilled a fear in her even though she tried to act like he didn't.

"I'm busy, can you please move?" She asked as she tried to avoid him, but his friend blocked her path once again. "What the hell do you want?" She asked this time more harshly and he let out a laugh that irritated her.

"Got an attitude huh? You've been hanging around Mikey lately, right?" He asked her, pushing his glasses further up his nose and she looked him up and down.

"What does it matter?" She deadpanned. She went to continue on her way, but the grey eyed boy stopped her once again her. He took a threatening step forward, as she took one back.

He laughed telling her to relax but of course that was impossible. I mean, how could she?

Suddenly, she felt herself being pulled back into a hard chest and her eyes widen.

A familiar voice filled the air, one that was usually filled with cheekiness, now sounded threatening, almost terrifying.

She realised it was Baji.

"You guys better back off, unless you want to end up dead, that is." He warned them. There was a threatening smile on his face, one that did not show happiness. Kisaki held his hands up in defence, that stupid laugh leaving his lips yet again and she wanted to wipe the look off his face with her fist.

"We were just talking." He said, then waved his hand once for the others to follow as they left, giving her that creepy look.

Baji kept his guard up as he watched them leave. He could feel her shaking, and once they were gone, he grabbed her hand to steady her which made her relax a bit. She turned to face him, and surprised him when she put her head against his hard chest.

"Thank you." She whispered, and his cheeks flushed red. He cleared his throat to compose himself as he looked away.

"What was that about?" He asked, and honestly, Naoka was surprised he didn't make some sort of cocky or lewd joke. After all, she wasn't usually affectionate and often blocked his attempts, even if they were just jokes.

"I don't really know. He just asked me about Mikey. I hate that damn bastard with the glasses, he gives me the creeps."

"Yup I agree, he's bad news." Baji agreed with a sigh, still looking in the direction Kisaki and his goons had left in. She could see that he wanted to say something more.

"What is it?" She asked and he looked down at her. He was hesitating, wondering if he should say it or not. He sighed grabbing her hand and tugging her towards his bike.

"Come on." He said, and she didn't hesitate to follow him. "Lets go for a ride."

They drove for a while, but he eventually pulled over and tugged her over to a private spot in the park where they could talk.

He took a deep breath before he told her that he had witnessed Mikey and Kisaki talking about him joining Toman and helping out Pah.

"He can't be trusted." She said and obviously Baji agreed with her.

"I know, but once Mikey makes a decision, that's it, no changing it. Kisaki's going to join."

"That's not good. What the hell is he thinking?" Naoka asked as she ran a hand through her dark locks.

"No, it's not. Look, Mikey gets a bit blinded when it comes to those he cares about. He can be manipulated and Kisaki's a guy who would easily do that to Mikey to get what he wants." Baji explained and Naoka bit her lip knowing that he is in fact someone who cares deeply for his friends. Almost like they're family. "He's going to be appointed captain, and I'm going to leave Toman."

Naoka's eyes widened in surprise. 'he can't be serious, can he?' She waited for him to tell her he was only joking, but those words never came.

"What? How could you do that? This is a time he needs you the most, how could you leave Mikey?" She exasperated.

"I know it sucks, but I can't get to Kisaki from inside Toman if he becomes a division captain."

"I see what you're getting at, but it will hurt him. Do you really think he would just let you go?"

"No, in fact I know he wouldn't. So, I'm going to become a problem child so I can get kicked out." Baji says and the dark haired girl gives him a worried look.

"Why do you want to do all of this? Really?" She asked.

"There's more to it. I love Mikey, but I've also got another friend I need to look out for, so I need to do things my own way, no one else can help me."

Mikey's words rang through her ears about all the people he's lost and, she doesn't want him to lose Baji too.

"Let me help." She asks and Baji raises a brow at her. "Come on, I'm not going to take no for an answer."

After about a second or two, he had expected her to change her mind but she didn't so he sighed giving in.

"Fine, as long as you keep your distance, I don't want my sexy little miss getting hurt." He winked and she rolled her eyes punching his arm "Ahh~ I love it when you get physical with me."


His eyes widened for a moment before a warm laugh left his lips. He had been wanting to hear her call him that for a while now. 'That was the first time she called me Keisuke.'

Suddenly he turned serious and rested his arms on her shoulders causing her to also turn serious.

"Look, Mikey has a fear of abandonment. You gotta promise me that you'll stay with him and be there for him because things are going to get rough, okay?" He asked, the look in his eyes different from any she had seen before, and she knew she would do what he was asking.

"Okay, I promise."



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