♡ fourteen - l ♡

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        "I've gotten rid of your blades."

        Louis stopped searching through his walk-in closet and shut his eyes tightly, the presence of his father making his stomach churn. He had been in search of his boxes of blades all morning, and he had only twenty minutes to get ready and be at school, knowing the only possible reason.

        "I told you not to touch my shit!" Louis shouted, turning around with his fist clenched. His father stood there calmly staring back at him with his cold blue eyes, which were rimmed with red and rough from his lack of sleep. "Where are they?"

        "Hopefully, at a garbage site."


        Louis had to resist the urge to run over to his father and wrap his hands around his neck because he'd very much like him dead at this point. "I'll-I'll just get new ones."

        "With what money? You don't think that I haven't seen that drug stash under your books in your dresser? Louis, I've told you once and I'm going to tell you again, I still care about what you do–"

        Louis snorted and crossed his arms. "Since when?"

        "They want to kick you out of the school for the amount of commotion you've caused, don't you know what I have to do to keep you there?"

        "It is not my fault that you choose to sleep with everyone you meet. You put this upon yourself. I was perfectly fine being at my old school and back home with mum, but of course since you're dying to see me again–" Louis' father's eyes widened at this sentence and he stomped over to his son, then grabbed him by his collar and pushed him against the closet door.

        "Your mother begged me to keep you until summer starts, there wasn't any begging on my side. You think your mother is some perfect angel that loves you so much huh?" Mr.Tomlinson shouted, looking at Louis with crazed eyes. "Well guess what, Louis?"

        Louis' breathing was jagged as he spoke, feeling his head pound by the second. "Don't say it."

        "She doesn't love you, she doesn't love me. She only thinks about herself and it just about proves how selfish she is. Your mother is a bitch just like I am. She couldn't handle the pressure of having you around, sending the police after you when you don't return home from a party. She couldn't handle trying to ground you because you'd sneak out the next night, Louis. It's time for you to stop acting like a child because soon you'll be fucking alone with no one to help you." His father released the hold he had on hime and backed up, looking at Louis with disgust before leaving the room, making sure to shut the door behind him.

        You'll be fucking alone with no one to help you. Louis banged his fist against his closet door and gritted his teeth when he heard his knuckles crack against the wood, letting the pain consume his body like a deadly lullaby. Was his father right? Had he been defending his mother all of this time without knowing the truth? No. Call her right now. She loves you and she'll tell you that his father is a liar. Yes. Louis breathed and grabbed his phone from out of his pocket and used his trembling fingers to dial his mother's number, pressing the screen up to his ear as he listened to the ringing noise- but the only problem was that there wasn't a ringing noise. 

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